AUDITORY posting archive 2010 (threads)
- Tinnitus,
Kevin Austin
- Away from my mail,
Matt Davis
- Reminder: Int. Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics, Paris, May 2010 - Call for Papers,
Markus Noisternig
- PhD and Postdoc Positions at Northwestern,
Charles Larson
- Re: auditory illusion,
Al Bregman
- SV: [AUDITORY] auditory illusion,
Guy Madison
- Raised cosine ramp/window,
Imran Dhamani
- M.A. in Communication and New Media at McMaster,
David Ogborn
- GSI 16 Audiometer Manual request,
Trevor Shackleton
- Deadline extension: Int. Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics 2010 - Submission of Abstracts due January 15th!,
Markus Noisternig
- New deadline February 1st, 7th Intl Symp on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR), Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010. Music is in the Sound.,
Isabel Barbancho
- Developer Position / Ircam / Quaero Project,
Geoffroy Peeters
- Auditory illusion sound example links,
Guy Madison
- Post-Doctoral Positions at the University of Victoria, Canada,
George Tzanetakis
- Deputy to Senior Scientist position at the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory, Groton, CT,
Judi Lapsley Miller
- Research Assistant position at the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory, Groton, CT,
Judi Lapsley Miller
- Call for Workshop Proposals: IEEE ICSC 2010,
Schuller, Björn
- 2nd CfP: 16th Intl Conf Auditory Display (ICAD), Washington, D.C, USA, June 9-15, 2010,
- Call for Papers: Second IEEE/IET Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing,
Jun Yang
- Research associateship at Stirling University,
Leslie Smith
- Northeast Music Cognition Group: Call for Participation,
Mary Farbood
- Postdoctoral positions at the University of the Basque Country,
Martin Cooke
- PhD position in hearing and speech science at UCL, London,
Stuart Rosen
- BRAMS Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience symposium one day before the CNS conference in Montreal.,
Marc Schoenwiesner
- CFParticipation - MIR 2010 - International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval,
- [no subject],
Neil Waterman
- [no subject],
Scott Pennock
- New device approach to modeling auditory perception,
Bob Kovsky
- ear buds,
Yale Cohen
- Job for audio engineer at Meridian,
Brian C. J. Moore
- CFP: Special Issue of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing on Emotion and Mental State Recognition from Speech,
Schuller, Björn
- sharing teaching materials,
Richard Parncutt
- Posdoc position in Finland,
Ville Pulkki
- Ph.D. Research Studentship Opportunity,
Sue Denham
- Speech audiometry in spanish,
Patricia Perez-Gonzalez
- CONF: Mediality of Music Cognition and Aisthesis (February 19-20, 2010),
Jin Hyun Kim
- Headphones for testing,
dominic ward
- Post-doc position at University Barcelona,
Sabine Grimm (UB)
- Spreadsheets and/or MATLAB for calculating loudness,
Ralph Muehleisen
- Postdoctoral Researcher position,
Ifat Yasin
- Music Psychology Training: Music, Mind & Technology / Music Therapy,
Olivier Lartillot
- 2nd CfP: CI2010, Stockholm - 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies,
Martin Eklöf
- Ira J. Hirsh, one of the founders of audiology, 87,
Antonio Miller
- CfP: reminder : 16th Intl Conf Auditory Display (ICAD) - Deadline 5th February 2010,
- call for paper: f(MIR): 2nd WORKSHOP ON THE FUTURE OF MIR,
Thierry Bertin-Mahieux
- post-doctoral position,
Yale Cohen
- CD player,
Monita Chatterjee
- Post-doc position in Lyon (France),
Nicolas Grimault
- interesting podcast about sound and hearing,
Jaime Undurraga
- CMMR 2010 Deadline extension 14th February. 7th Intl Symp on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- Open Research Positions at DOLBY Beijing!,
- New book set: The Oxford Handbook of Auditory Science,
Dan Ellis
- Wessel (1973),
Bruno L. Giordano
- Invitation to new MIR and Auditory research social network site,
Yi Yu
- Temporal Envelope based pitch perception,
Imran Dhamani
- Job Opportunity At Advanced Bionics,
Leonid Litvak
- SST-2010 First Call for Papers,
David Grayden
- PhD studentship available at IHR/University of Nottingham, UK,
Christian Sumner
- Call for participation: 2nd Community-based Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC 2010),
Emmanuel Vincent
- 2 Researchers Position / Ircam / Quaero Project,
Geoffroy Peeters
- August ISMA symposium,
James W. Beauchamp
- Room acoustics, after ICA2010,
Densil Cabrera
- Internship at France Telecom R&D,
- CMMR 2010 Final call for paper deadline 14th February. 7th Intl Symp on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- Prize Lectureships at Sheffield,
Phil Green
- Re: origin of 'timbre',
Richard F. Lyon
- Deadline Extension to 1st March: 3rd Workshop on EMOTION (satellite of LREC2010),
"Schuller, Björn"
- Post-doctoral Position: Research in Singing,
Annabel Cohen
- Auditory Attention at Telluride Neuromorphic Workshop,
Malcolm Slaney
- Headphone for psychoacoustics,
Jungmee Lee
- Symposium on Auditory Brainstem Implants, June 29th, Uppsala, Sweden,
Susanne Köbler
- 1. Headphone for psychoacoustics,
Lorenzo Picinali
- harmonics,
- Online survey on musicians' use of the notion of musical shapes,
Stephen McAdams
- Reminder: Call for papers: LVA/ICA 2010, September 27-30, 2010, Saint-Malo, France,
Emmanuel Vincent
- Subscription probe for AUDITORY - please ignore,
McGill University NCS LISTSERV Server (14.5)
- need recommendation on PC sound card,
G. Robert Arrabito
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Neil Waterman
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Paweł Kuśmierek
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Neil Waterman
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Paweł Kuśmierek
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Christian Borss
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Neil Waterman
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Hacihabiboglu, Huseyin
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Bob Masta
- Re: need recommendation on PC sound card,
Bill Woods
- Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation (ExAPP2010),
A. Schueppert
- 1. need recommendation on PC sound card,
Lorenzo Picinali
- Open PhD positions at Deutsche Telekom Labs, TU Berlin,
Alexander Raake
- Haptic-audio interaction desing (HAID) 2010 - First call,
Stefania Serafin
- The Science of hearing,
Jaime Undurraga
- need some reference about pitch perception in noise,
Ximing Li
- Postdoctoral researcher position in audio signal processing at FORTH-ICS,
Athanasios Mouchtaris
- AES Brazil 2010 - Last Call for Papers,
Regis Rossi A. Faria
- Call for Participation: AES 40th International Conference in Tokyo,
MARUI Atsushi
- mechanical cochlear model,
Christian Kaernbach
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Dana Massie
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Andrew Bell (uni account)
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Lina Reiss
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Sunil Puria
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Andrew Bell
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Andrew Bell (uni account)
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Alain de Cheveigne'
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Andrew Bell
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
David Mountain
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Daniel TAFT
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Alain de Cheveigne'
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Tollin, Daniel
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Matt Flax
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Lloyd Watts
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Yi Yu
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Andrew Bell
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Daniel TAFT
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
David Mountain
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Peter van Hengel
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Mitchell Cotter
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Michael RAPSON
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Peter van Hengel
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Peter van Hengel
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Michael RAPSON
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Matt Flax
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Peter van Hengel
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Crockett, Brett
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Peter van Hengel
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Martin Braun
- Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- paper request,
Cris Lanting
- Deadline Extension to March 22: Call for Workshop Proposals IEEE ICSC 2010,
"Schuller, Björn"
- AW: Re: mechanical cochlear model,
- Bekesy model,
Douglas Creelman
- model,
David John SMith
- PhD studentships in Media and Arts Technology,
Mark Plumbley
- announcement : free MATLAB Loudness Toolbox,
Stéphane Molla
- Signals and Systems for Speech and Hearing by Stuart Rosen & Peter Howell,
Stuart Rosen
- Software cochlear models,
Kyle Stratis
- Call for papers - Perceptual Quality of Sytems - PQS 2010,
Ercan Altinsoy
- Frequency discrimination: effect of increment vs decrement,
Varghese Peter
- double-wall sound proof booth attenuation,
- Cochlear Implant teaching slides,
Robert Zatorre
- SuperCollider Symposium 2010 Berlin - Calls,
- Re: mechanical cochlear model - more movies,
Lloyd Watts
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 8 Mar 2010 (#2010-55),
Tim Wilson
- postodoctoral position at Johns Hopkins,
Mounya Elhilali
- Re: MCM: Q.1,
Andrew Bell
- Topics for discussion,
Al Bregman
- Re : Topics for discussion,
frédéric maintenant
- cochlear-amplifier email list Re: mechanical cochlear model,
Matt Flax
- cochlear models discussion,
Keith Kluender
- Many thanks!,
Katrin Krumbholz
- Re : [AUDITORY] Re : Topics for discussion,
frédéric maintenant
- Re: [Cochlea-amp.] [AUDITORY] Topics for discussion,
Matt Flax
- Cochlear-amp,
Jonathan Tapson
- Re: mechanical cochlear model [Q.2],
Andrew Bell
- Postdoctoral Position Available,
Merri J. Rosen
- String fingering project -- volunteers needed,
Eliot Handelman
- Auditory wheel,
Michael H. Coen
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Gossmann, Joachim
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Michael H. Coen
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Diana Deutsch
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Pierre Divenyi
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Michael H. Coen
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Michael H. Coen
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Malcolm Slaney
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Al Bregman
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Hiroko Terasawa
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Diana Deutsch
- Re: Auditory wheel,
David John SMith
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Leon Van Noorden
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Bob Carlyon
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Neil Waterman
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Martin Braun
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Matthew McCabe
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Gossmann, Joachim
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Dan Stowell
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Marcelo Freitas Caetano
- Re: Auditory wheel,
Martin Braun
- 2010 Workshop Speech in Noise: presentations available,
Gaston Hilkhuysen
- A question on Békésy.,
- Re: ***SPAM*** Re: [AUDITORY] Auditory wheel,
Neil Waterman
- CFP: INTERSPEECH 2010 Paralinguistic Challenge - Now started.,
"Schuller, Björn"
- Re: A question on Békésy.,
David Mountain
- Re: A question on Bekesy.,
- color wheel, and sound wheel,
Kevin Austin
- Stiffness of the basilar membrane.,
- CFP: Quality of Experiencing Speech Services (Special Session at INTERSPEECH 2010),
Marcel Waeltermann
- SweetSpotter - Adaptive Sweet Spot Adjustment,
Sebastian Merchel
- looking for bottling plant example described by Gaver et al. (1991),
G. Robert Arrabito
- Call for Student Volunteers at ASA_NOISE-CON 2010 in Baltimore, MD, April 19-23, 2010,
Peter Marvit
- Call for demo CMMR 2010. Deadline 22th April 2010. 7th Intl Symp on ComputerMusic Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- looking for book: Keidel&Neff 1975 vol V/2,
Richard F. Lyon
- What is the goal of finding an auditory circle analogy to the visual color circle?,
Richard E Pastore
- Beware of circles,
Bruno L. Giordano
- Paper Request: Mel log spectrum approximation (MLSA) filter for speech synthesis,
Md Sahidullah
- IEEE Benelux Symposium on Signal Processing for Hearing Aids,
R. Heusdens
- mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Massimo Grassi
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Matthias Milczynski
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Joachim Thiemann
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Massimo Grassi
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Christine Rankovic
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
James Johnston
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Danijel Domazet
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Fernando Alberto Marengo Rodriguez
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Max Neuendorf
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
James Johnston
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding,
Max Neuendorf
- FW: [AUDITORY] mp3 and the perceptual coding,
James Johnston
- Deadline approaching: LVA/ICA 2010, September 27-30, 2010, Saint-Malo, France,
Emmanuel Vincent
- Re: mp3 and the perceptual coding demo,
Brian Gygi
- Pure-Tone Frequency Discrimination,
- Job offer - please post it on the AUDITORY LIST,
Dr. Gundula Meissner
- Basilar-membrane stiffness.,
- ITU worst case listening position - how?,
Nils Peters
- CFP: INTERSPEECH 2010 Speech Intelligibility Enhancement,
Junfeng Li
- ITU worst case for 5.1,
Kevin Austin
- [[Reminder]] [SiSEC2010] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION,
Alexey Ozerov
Mary Farbood
Chris Stecker
- Auditory Spatial Stream Segregation,
Imran Dhamani
- Basilar-membrane oscillations.,
- Conference on Phonetic Universals,
Heriberto Avelino
- SST-2010 Second Call for Papers,
David Grayden
- mp3 compressed speech signal using codec....,
Vijaykumar Peddinti
- Call for Sonifications, Compositions, and Demonstrations - 16th Intl Conf Auditory Display (ICAD) - Deadline extended to 9th April 2010,
- Unwanted line breaks; evanescent waves.,
- Line breaks and evanescent waves (2).,
- Evanescent waves, line breaks (3).,
- personal amplifiers,
Ferguson, Sarah Hargus
David John SMith
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: EOAE,
Harriet B. Jacobster, AuD
- Paper on whispered speech?,
Stuart Rosen
- a novel method of estimation of DPOAE signals -paper and/or software needed,
Drexl, Markus Dr.rer.nat.
- Paper request on listening effort,
Karin B. Klink
- Evanescent waves, line breaks (4).,
- Evanescent liquid-sound-pressure waves.,
- Addendum on evanescent waves.,
- Re: Request for information on ICA-Maximum likelihood approach,
Taylan Cemgil
- Extended deadline for SiSEC2010 (Apr.21),
Alexey Ozerov
- 3rd Int. Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems,
Dr. Ercan Altinsoy
- Request for a paper...,
Vijaykumar Peddinti
- Evanescent liquid-sound-pressure waves (2).,
- Textbook chapter on evanescent waves?,
- I now have that paper on whispering ...,
Stuart Rosen
- Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium in Montreal, April 16th,
Marc Schoenwiesner
- Postdoc and RA positions at Northwestern,
Patrick Wong
- Audio Engineering Society Convention May 22-25 London, Registration and Technical Programme available,
Josh Reiss
- Zwikers paper,
Zlatan Ribic
- mp3 and the perceptual coding (resume),
Massimo Grassi
- Postdoc and PhD positions at MPI Leipzig, Auditory Cognition group,
Jonas Obleser
- Cochlear modelers at Baltimore ASA meeting?,
Michael RAPSON
- Request for a paper,
Junfeng Li
- CFP for Statistical and Perceptual Audition 2010,
Paris Smaragdis
- Manuscript on evanescent waves.,
- Post-doc position, Max-Planck Leipzig, Germany,
Katharina von Kriegstein
- 2nd Call for demo CMMR 2010. Deadline 22th April 2010. 7th Intl Sympon ComputerMusic Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- Program for Intl. music cog. conference,
Aniruddh Patel
- New PhD thesis on acoustic conditions on concert hall stages,
Jens Jørgen Dammerud
- Research audiologist position,
Lina Reiss
- 3rd Call for demo CMMR 2010. Extended Deadline 29th April 2010. 7th Intl Sympon ComputerMusic Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- sound events database,
Ernesto Accolti
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: sound events database,
Bob Masta
- Re: sound events database,
Ernesto Accolti
- Re: sound events database,
Boris Defreville (ORELIA)
- Re: sound events database,
Boris Defreville (ORELIA)
- Re: sound events database,
Ernesto Accolti
- Re: sound events database,
Neil Waterman
- Re: sound events database,
Ernesto Accolti
- Re: sound events database,
Bruno L. Giordano
- Re: sound events database,
Neil Waterman
- Re: sound events database,
Brian Gygi
- Re: sound events database,
Dan Stowell
- Re: sound events database,
Ernesto Accolti
- Re: sound events database,
Mathieu Bernard
- Re: sound events database,
Laurie Heller
- Re: sound events database,
Ernesto Accolti
- RE : [AUDITORY] sound events database,
Spierer Lucas
- Ph.D. Thesis on Timbre Perception,
Hiroko Terasawa
- Re : Ph.D. Thesis on Timbre Perception,
frédéric maintenant
- open source speech(keyword) recognition database with phoneme-level transcription ?,
Mohammad Abdollahi
- naming sounds database,
Kevin Austin
- More on evanescent waves.,
- Regarding Long Term Memories and Dynamic Time wrapping for Automatic Speech Recognition,
karan behar
- help request about FINALE,
Beste Kalender
- Request a paper,
zetong zhang
- British Society of Audiology Annual Conference 2010,
Piers Dawes
- Finale export,
Kevin Austin
- CFP: 3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2010),
Rafael Ramirez
- CfP :: WOMRAD - Workshop on Music Recommendation and Discovery :: Barcelona. September, 26th,
Amelie Anglade
- Article needed,
Rodriguez, Joyce M.
- Psychoacoustic Paper Request,
Ximing Li
- Evanescent waves in the cochlea.,
- Interlibrary Loan; was RE: FW: Article needed,
Maher, Rob
- PhD studentship in auditory neuroscience, Lyon, France,
Anne Caclin
- PhD position in psychology,
Guy Madison
- Call for PANELS CMMR 2010. Deadline 14th May 2010. 7th Intl Sympon Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- SfN 2010 information on "nanosymposia",
Jennifer M. Groh
- PhD studentship and PostDoc positions at InfoMus, DIST Univ of Genoa,
Gualtiero Volpe
- ISO website models, apps,
Brian Gygi
- experiment on roughness of complex tones,
- AW: experiment on roughness of complex tones,
- Research Occupational Audiologist/Hearing Protection Specialist,
Judi Lapsley Miller
- Remarkable animation: Bach cannon,
Aniruddh Patel
- Whoops - misspelling,
Aniruddh Patel
- Research Assistant Position Available -- Georgetown University,
Amber Michelle Leaver
- Vocaloid2,
Beste Kalender
- Change of email,
Ken Grant
- Post doc position,
Meddis, Raymond
- Unsubscribe,
Jon Stammers
- CfP: Journal of New Music Research - Special Issue on Music and Machine Learning,
Rafael Ramirez
- paper request : Jeffress 1948,
Mathieu Bernard
- Paper request (Johannesma 1972, on gammatone filters),
Alexander Lindau
- echo in the freq. domain,
Danijel Domazet
- Studentships for IHCON,
Brian C. J. Moore
- please post: APAN 2010,
Yale Cohen
- Second Call for PANELS CMMR 2010. Extended deadline 17th May 2010. 7th Intl Sympon ComputerMusic Modeling and Retrieval, Malaga,Spain, June 21th-24th, 2010,
Isabel Barbancho
- Training software,
Mishra, Srikanta
- Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID): call for demos and posters,
Sofia Dahl
- sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Joanna Kantor-Martynuska
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Brian Gygi
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
valeriy shafiro
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Joanna Kantor-Martynuska
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Joanna Kantor-Martynuska
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Bruno L. Giordano
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
David Mountain
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Massimo Grassi
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Brian Gygi
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Guillaume Lemaitre
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Abbs, Brandon,Ph.D.
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Bruno L. Giordano
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Milena Droumeva
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Peter Lennox
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
valeriy shafiro
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Joanna Kantor-Martynuska
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Guillaume Lemaitre
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Tjeerd Andringa
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Julian Rohrhuber
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
David John SMith
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Milena Droumeva
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
David John SMith
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Kevin Austin
- Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
- Interesting question regarding perceived note onset,
James Johnston
- GPL realtime auditory modelling,
Dan Stowell
- RE : [AUDITORY] sex differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Spierer Lucas
- Regarding Design of Experiments for Automatic Speech Recognition,
karan behar
- Re: pesky cultural factors in perception of environmental sounds,
Brian Gygi
- Subcategorizing environmental sounds,
Brian Gygi
- ASCII / html and Digest,
Kevin Austin
- comparing cochlear models ?,
emad burke
- Drop in pitch on offset of chord,
- Re: "gender" differences in perception of environmental sounds,
Jose Ignacio Alcantara
- software for automatic detection of voice activity,
Boris Defreville (ORELIA)
- Re: ... differences in perception of ... sound[s],
Kevin Austin
- abstract deadline for BSA2010 approaching,
Colette Mckay
- Automatic detection of music,
Aniruddh Patel
- Book announcement: Psychology of music,
Peter Pfordresher
- Marie Curie Actions Open Calls,
Isabel Barbancho
- Fellowship opportunities for C4DM, Queen Mary University of London,
Mark Plumbley
- [CFP] IROS 2010 Workshop on Robots and Musical Expressions,
fabien gouyon
- interesting,
Jaime Undurraga
- Postdoctoral position,
Ingrid Johnsrude
- Fall 2010 internship positions available,
Tao Zhang
- Post-doctoral position available,
Rodriguez, Joyce M.
- New Book: See What I'm Saying,
Lawrence Rosenblum
- Event1:Recommender Functions on MIR Community,
Yi Yu
- Psychoacoustics: a comprehensive MATLAB toolbox for auditory testing,
Massimo Grassi
- The Neurosciences and Music IV,
Aniruddh Patel
- Opportunities at Advanced Bionics,
Leonid Litvak
- BSA abstract deadline extended,
Colette Mckay
- Opening for Post-doctoral or Research Associate Position,
Bob Lutfi
- Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID): Deadline extension until June 20,
Sofia Dahl
- 2nd Call for Papers - WOMRAD: Workshop on Music Recommendation and Discovery, Barcelona. September, 26th 2010,
Amelie Anglade
- Television sound levels,
Hornsby, Benjamin Wade Young
- Hearing Assist Technologies,
Matthew McCabe
- metadata for people with hearing impairments,
Danilo Hollosi
- F0 estimation software,
Federman, Jeremy
- Do you want me to refer to your website?,
Al Bregman
- AW: [AUDITORY] F0 estimation software,
Bjoern Schuller
- teaching material / auditory processing in blind people,
Spierer Lucas
- PhD position in diagnostic method for voice quality at Orange Labs in Lannion (France),
adrien leman
- Software Developer: Audio and Digital Music,
Mark Plumbley
- Cochlear Mechanics Short Course, Rome, Sept 2010,
Lineton B.
- Postdoctoral position at University of Illinois,
Fatima Husain
- Question,
Prieto Raphael
- <Possible follow-ups>
- question,
Obahamas Studio
- Matlab code for deconvolution?,
Ursula Kwong-Brown
- Request for a paper (Danhauer and Leppler, 1979),
Patricia Perez-Gonzalez
- Deadline extension until June 13, 2010: ACM MM 3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2010),
Rafael Ramirez
- Post-doctoral research position at Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
Bernstein, Joshua G Dr CIV USA MEDCOM WRAMC
- SST-2010 Final Call for Papers,
David Grayden
- Spanish Government - Funding for the mobility of foreign researchers in Spanish research centres,
Isabel Barbancho
- Ask for help,
- NAL-1 or similar hearing aid simulator?,
Richard - UK
- PhD position in Kiel, Germany,
Christian Kaernbach
- PhD position in Music Cognition,
Henkjan Honing
- JASA impact factor - by topic,
Bruno L. Giordano
- Testing whether some humans can hear high frequencies inaudible to "normal" humans,
Divakaran, Ajay
- Rationale for Critical Bands,
Daniel Bowling
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Ximing Li
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
James Johnston
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Peter Meijer
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Etienne Gaudrain
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Daniel Shub
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Rationale for Critical Bands,
Wiebe Horst
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Brian C. J. Moore
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
James Johnston
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
James Johnston
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Christine Rankovic
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Alain de Cheveigne'
- Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Martin Braun
- Re: [***SPAM 7.329***] Re: Rationale for Critical Bands,
Ramdas Kumaresan
- Fwd: recordings of screaming children?,
Kevin Austin
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: recordings of screaming children?,
José Ignacio Alcántara
- Re: Fwd: recordings of screaming children?,
Luca Del Bo tel. 02 48011361
- Re: Fwd: recordings of screaming children?,
Gaab, Nadine
- Re: recordings of screaming children?,
Gossmann, Joachim
- Re: recordings of screaming children?,
Harriet B. Jacobster, AuD
- Re: recordings of screaming children?,
Brian Gygi
- Re: recordings of screaming children?,
Peter Lennox
- Re: recordings of screaming children?,
James Johnston
- ARTSTREAM model,
Roberta Santoro
- Post-Doc Position in Digital Audio Signal Processing, AUSTRIA,
Piotr Majdak
- Matlab implementation of Klatt synthesizer,
Myles Mc Laughlin
- Frequency discrimination testing and training program/software,
Mishra, Srikanta
- Re: plain text was [AUDITORY] Matlab implementation of Klatt synthesizer,
Jim Stevenson
- 3 PhD positions in European ITN: EBRAMUS,
Barbara Tillmann
- BSA 2010 Conference: Advancing science, improving lives,
Piers Dawes
- open source software,
Heriberto Avelino
- Re: open source software (UNCLASSIFIED),
Hairston, W. Dave (Civ, ARL/HRED)
- Audiometer recommendations and advice,
Alastair Disley
- LVA/ICA 2010: Registration open + Call for Late-breaking / demo submissions,
Emmanuel Vincent
- Book announcement (paperback),
Aniruddh Patel
- Postdoc positions at the University of the Basque Country,
Martin Cooke
- information theory in psychoacoustics,
Iftikhar Riaz (Lance) Nizami
- libaudiomask - Audio masking threshold estimation library,
Matt Flax
- Question on sound booths,
Leonid Litvak
- Fwd: Deadline extended: IROS 2010 Workshop on Robots and Musical Expressions,
fabien gouyon
- SST-2010 Conference Deadline Extension,
David Grayden
- Call for papers: Auditory Perception, Action and Cognition Meeting (APCAM) - 2010,
Peter Pfrodresher
- Open positions at Dolby Research Beijing,
- Tianshu Qu's HRTF,
Julian Villegas
- Basilar-membrane stiffness versus distance-from-base.,
- CFP IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING Special Issue on Naturalistic Affect Resources for System Building and Evaluation,
Bjoern Schuller
- DSP Research Engineer Position Available,
Tao Zhang
- Density Perception,
Dominic Ward
- Experiment on Roughness dyads with musical instruments (samples),
Alexandre Porres
- Reg. discount deadline - Intl. music cog. conference,
Aniruddh Patel
- Job: Research Assistant (Java Programmer) in Collaborative Cross-modal Interaction (London),
Dan Ellis
- Question: Quality Testing in an Anechoic Chamber,
Linda Seltzer
- REMINDER LVA/ICA 2010: Registration open + Call for Late-breaking / demo submissions,
Emmanuel Vincent
- 5 PhD positions Brain & Music in France & Belgium,
Aniruddh Patel
- question about earbuds for lab rats..,
Monita Chatterjee
- headphones for babies,
Josh McDermott
- CfP: Two Thousand + TEN symposium and Call for Improvisors, SARC, Belfast, 4-7 November 2010,
Stéphanie Bertet
- CFP,
James Kennaway
- [Fwd: i-Perception Announcement],
- Electro-acoustic engineer position opening,
Sunil Puria
- 3-day workshop: Sound in immersive digital performance environments,
Gerda Strobl
- ISMIR2010 attendees,
Yi Yu
- Lance Nizami re information theory,
Iftikhar Riaz (Lance) Nizami
- Vacancy available: Research Fellow in Audio-visual Speech Separation, CVSSP, Surrey, UK,
Wenwu W. Wang
- MEG programmer position in Toronto,
Bernhard Ross
- Text-to-speech API with Australian accent?,
Daniel TAFT
- Preliminary Announcement: "Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication" Conference,
Ingrid Johnsrude
- Looking for article: Terhardt, E. (1985). Some psycho-physical analogies between speech and music,
Martin McKinney
- References needed on Timbre representation,
- Invitation to attend: Third International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems,
Ercan Altinsoy
- A CASA baseline system,
azam rabiei
- Looking for article: Noll (1969), Pitch determination of human speech by the harmonic product spectrum,...,
alexander lerch
- Unmixed version of multitalker babble,
Imran Dhamani
- Interactive Sonification workshop - ISon 2010: proceedings are on-line,
Roberto Bresin
- Postdoc position in speech and audio coding at Orange Labs (Lannion, France),
Stephane Ragot
- FW: Job Available: Audio DSP Algorithm Developer,
Scott Pennock
- CFP: Ircam Musical Research Residency 2011-2012,
Arshia Cont
- Postdoctoral position in neuroimaging,
Rutvik Desai
- New book,
Dale Purves
- Ph.D. position in binaural psycho-acoustics,
Steven van de Par
- NeuroImaging studies comparing "Pitch & Brightness in Music".,
vijaymohan raja
- New book "Introduction to Cochlear Waves".,
- changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Daniel Bowling
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Matthias Vormann
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Gossmann, Joachim
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Matthias Milczynski
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Jeremy marozeau
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
John ffitch
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Dan Stowell
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Daniel Bowling
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Matt Flax
- Re: changing a sound signal while listening to it,
Bob Masta
- Conversion of '*.bin' to '*.wav' extension,
- Head related impulse responses for auditory prostheses,
John Culling
- Job Available: Senior Research Engineer in Virtual Acoustic Musical Instrument Synthesis,
Eric Hirsh
- sources of unfamiliar music?,
Jessica Grahn
- Abstracts online for Intl. Music Cognition Conference,
Aniruddh Patel
- Postdoc Opening,
Eric Healy
- DSP Engineer Position at Cochlear Ltd (Denver, CO),
Christopher Long
- 2011 DSPE -- Special Session on Music, Acoustics and Signal Processing Education,
Ray Migneco
- spoken sentences,
Josh McDermott
- Faculty search announcement,
Jonathan Berger
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn,
udaynag pisipati
- Request for papers,
"Patricia Pérez González"
- HRTF's,
Ranjit Randhawa
- ICAD Conference: 1st Call for Hosting ICAD 2012,
Bruce Walker
- 2nd CfP: Journal of New Music Research - Special Issue on Music and Machine Learning,
Rafael Ramirez
- Postdoctoral - electrical stimulation in auditory pathway,
Jennifer M. Groh
- Fulbright Research Chair at CIRMMT, McGill University,
Stephen McAdams
- Postdoctoral position (Northwestern University),
Sumitrajit Dhar
- Open PhD and Postdoc Positions,
Stefan Koelsch
- Morning versus Evening Ragas,
Douglas Eck
- Adding missing information Re: Morning versus Evening Ragas,
Linda Seltzer
- Preference test for pitch transposition: small variations (1/2),
Gilles Degottex
- Barn owl question,
Tollin, Daniel
- postdoctoral position at the Music Dynamics Laboratory,
Edward Large
- Preference test for breathiness modification (only 10 pairs to compare !),
Gilles Degottex
- Postdoctoral position in real-time music source separation,
Emmanuel Vincent
- articel request,
Stephen McAdams
- Preference test for pitch transposition: big variations (2/2),
Gilles Degottex
- Postdoctoral position available at Technicolor Research & Innovation, France,
Huynh-Thu Quan
- NIME 2011 - Call for participation,
Alexander Refsum Jensenius
- New platform-independence for auditory modelling using Matlab,
Dr. Lowel P. O'Mard
- mosquito sound,
Massimo Grassi
- Fwd: Listening for ... mosquito sound,
Kevin Austin
- Need feedback on Thesis - Music in Images,
Arjun Gupta
- Job opportunity,
Al Bregman
- Postdoctoral position in auditory neuroethology,
Mark Allen Bee
- Call for papers: AES 42nd Conference on Semantic Audio, Ilmenau, Germany, July 22-24, 2011,
Anssi Klapuri
- CFP: Special Issue on Virtual and Mixed Reality Intelligent Environments,
Harma, Aki
- Hearing Loss "False Positives",
Kevin Austin
- REMINDER: CFP Ircam Musical Research Residency 2011-2012,
Arshia Cont
- AW: Hearing Loss "False Positives",
- Re: loud music,
Bill Thompson
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: loud music,
Edward Large
- Re: loud music,
Barry Blesser
- Re: loud music,
Martin Braun
- Re: loud music,
Ward R Drennan
- Loud music,
Linda Seltzer
- Re: Loud music,
Bruno L. Giordano
- Re: Loud music,
alex olsen
- Re: Loud music,
David John SMith
- Re: Loud music,
Brian Gygi
- Re: Loud music,
James Johnston
- Re: Loud music,
alex olsen
- Re: Loud music,
James Johnston
- Echolocation,
- Why it has to be played loud,
Brian Gygi
- stable I/O SYNCH audio card devices on linux,
Salvador Aguinaga
- PhD thesis announcement,
Gautham J. Mysore
- Re: Loud music / Lady Gaga,
Matthew McCabe
- Cultural consonance,
Kevin Austin
- Dissonance with integration?,
Kevin Austin
- Re: Loud music - examples,
Linda Seltzer
- On the political correctness of dissonance,
Kevin Austin
- Re: Music listening styles,
Guy Madison
- Open positions at UCL Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences,
Stuart Rosen
- Pink music,
Stephane Laurent Bungener
- faculty position,
Tollin, Daniel
- Fwd: NYU "Music and the Moving Image" Conference: CALL FOR PAPERS,
Dan Ellis
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 26 Sep 2010 to 27 Sep 2010 - Special issue (#2010-228),
karan behar
- Fwd: Call for Contributions: DMRN+5: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2010,
Mathieu Barthet
- Re: Hearing Loss "False Positive",
Torben Poulsen
- Faculty Postion,
Johnson, Tiffany
- B&K PULSE 3560C +".DAT" FILES,
Julian Villegas
- (Deadline extended) CFP Ircam Musical Research Residency 2011-2012,
Arshia Cont
- Seeking two missing spectrogram tutorials,
Stuart Rosen
- Thanks to ...,
Stuart Rosen
- About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
emad burke
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Kevin Austin
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Joachim Thiemann
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
emad burke
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Daniel Möhlmann
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Roy Patterson
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Bob Carlyon
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Bob Masta
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Gilles Degottex
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Ken Schutte
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
- About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Parncutt, Richard (richard.parncutt@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
ita katz
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
ita katz
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Kevin Austin
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James W. Beauchamp
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Kevin Austin
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Laszlo Toth
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
emad burke
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Joachim Thiemann
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Steve Beet
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Joachim Thiemann
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Fred Herzfeld
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Joachim Thiemann
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James W. Beauchamp
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
David John SMith
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Daniel Möhlmann
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Roy Patterson
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
James Johnston
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
emad burke
- about pitch perception in noise,
Ximing Li
- Paper on phase sensitivity,
Brian C. J. Moore
- Phase & Hearing Impairment,
Jon Boley
- Marie Curie post-doc position,
fabien gouyon
- Symposium on Neuroscience, Healing, and Music,
Psyche Loui
- 2011 Scholarships Now Available: MARCS Auditory Laboratories, Sydney, Australia,
Kate Stevens
- About importance of "phase" in sound recognition: Helmholtz experiment,
Roy Patterson
- Research Lectureship in Cognitive Science (Rhythm and Timing), MARCS Auditory Labs, UWS, Australia,
Kate Stevens
- 2011 Workshop Speech in Noise, Lyon, 6-7th January,
- Postdoc Research Assistant: Sparse Representations for Audio Signals,
Mark Plumbley
- Re: Importance of "phase" in short frequency chirps,
Roy Patterson
- phoneme research/music,
Susie Allen
- Faculty position at the University of Maryland,
Monita Chatterjee
- Tenure Track Faculty Position,
Richard E Pastore
- Fwd: [AUDITORY] About importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
Kevin Austin
- Fwd: otoacoustic emissions,
Kevin Austin
- Importance of "phase" in sound recognition,
John Bates
- Announcing the PASCAL 'CHiME' Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge,
Huynh-Thu Quan
- Pitch extraction by template matching,
Roberta Santoro
- KayPentax Disordered Voice Database,
Olaf Schleusing (audio)
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 11 Oct 2010 to 12 Oct 2010 (#2010-246),
Philip Robinson
- Job Openings Advanced Bionics European Research Center,
Hamacher, Volkmar
- Second faculty position at the University of Maryland,
Rochelle Newman
- Forum Acusticum 2011 Call for Structured Sessions,
Ville Pulkki
- Rosalind Franklin Fellowships at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands,
Deniz Baskent
- Information on dismantling a sound booth,
Pete Howell
- That old chestnut ...,
Stuart Rosen
- CfP: Special Issue on Interactive Sonification - Springer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI),
Roberto Bresin
- Fwd: Exploring the Mind through Music 2011,
Dan Ellis
- Save the date: CIAP 2011 July 24-28 2011, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove CA,
Ruth Litovsky
- JHU Summer Workshops - Call for team research proposals,
Mounya Elhilali
- New position at Northwestern University,
Sumitrajit Dhar
- Ph.D. Studentship available,
Brian C. J. Moore
- VRIC Workshop on "Haptics for Telepresence, Teleoperation and Collaborative Environments",
Lorenzo Picinali
- Re: About importance of "phase" in sound recognition.,
- Evaluation of sound coding models,
Daniel Möhlmann
- Gaetan Gilbert deceased, Oct 2010,
Dan Ellis
- List of words used in speech audiometry?,
Stuart Rosen
- Two Tenure Track Positions at ASU,
William Yost
- Postdoc and Graduate Stipends in ACN,
Caroline Palmer
- Three output channel DPOAE probe,
Peter Johannesen
- PhD and Post-Doc positions available at UTD,
Philip Loizou
- Postdoctoral position in auditory neuroscience at University of Pennsylvania,
Maria Neimark Geffen
- Hair cells,
Kevin Austin
- Assistant Professor Position,
Lawrence Rosenblum
- New Textbook "Auditory Neuroscience",
Jan Schnupp
- Call for Participation: Machine Listening Workshop, 20th December 2010, Queen Mary University of London,
Matthew Davies
- Position at Northwestern,
Sumitrajit Dhar
- Assistant Professor - University of Louisville,
Pavel Zahorik
- Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Science at The Ohio State University,
Larry Feth
- Positions for Graduate students in Computing Science, Simon Fraser University (Musical Acoustics and Sound Analysis/Synthesis),
Tamara Smyth
- CfP EmoSPACE 2011,
Bjoern Schuller
- Cochlear implant research in Cambridge,
Bob Carlyon
- University of Utah Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders 2011 Audiology Faculty Search Announcement,
Sarah Hargus Ferguson
- Call for abstracts, CMMR2011 with FRSM in India, 9-12 March 2011,
Solvi Ystad
- workshop Speech in Noise 2011: registration is open,
Gaston Hilkhuysen
- CfP Special Issue of Computer Speech and Language on Paralinguistics in Naturalistic Speech and Language,
Bjoern Schuller
- Chair of Audiology at the UCL Ear Institute,
Stuart Rosen
- An ASA cue for phase information,
azam rabiei
- Neuroscience, Music, and Healing Symposium: two weeks before submission and early registration deadline,
Psyche Loui
- Mozaiek grants for a PhD in the Netherlands,
Deniz Baskent
- Book availability,
Brian C. J. Moore
- acoustic ray tracing,
John Culling
Bill Thompson
- Audio Engineering Society 130th Convention, London, May 2011- Call for Papers,
Josh Reiss
- 2nd call for participation to SMC2011 - Call for Music,
federico avanzini
- Abstract on SOAEs.,
- Special Session proposal for IJCNN 2011, San Jose, CA,
Harry Erwin
- TR : Call for Participation: DMRN+5: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2010,
Mathieu Barthet
- Tenure track position in Music Theory/Cognition,
Michael Schutz
- First International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Scienc e for Communication, June 19-22, 2011 in Linköping , Sweden,
Thomas Lunner
- Call for papers: SMPC 2011,
Peter Quentin Pfordresher
- Associate professor in Communication Acoustics and Audiology, Technical University of Denmark,
Torben Poulsen
- Job available: Acoustics Test Specialist,
Scott Pennock
- CFP - MAMCA2011 - Workshop on Multimodal Audio-based Multimedia Content Analysis,
- Job offer: Audiologist for CI Fitting Team,
Büchler Michael Dr.
- 2nd CfP EmoSPACE 2011 - Submission deadline extended to 19 Dec 2010,
Bjoern Schuller
- Extended submission deadline for CMMR2011 with FRSM in India, 9-12 March 2011,
Solvi Ystad
- 2nd CfP: Extended submission deadline for Special Issue on Interactive Sonification - Springer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI),
Roberto Bresin
- Call for papers reminder: 130th Audio Engineering Society Convention, London, May 2011,
Josh Reiss
- looking for a paper,
Ximing Li
- Special ASA session in the news,
Antonio Miller
- Last CfP EmoSPACE 2011 - Submission deadline extended to 30 Dec 2010,
Bjoern Schuller
- Rhythmic discrimination fovea?,
Eliot Handelman
- SV: [AUDITORY] Rhythmic discrimination fovea?,
Guy Madison
- Signals and Systems in Speech and Hearing, 2nd edition,
Stuart Rosen
- Forum Acusticum 2011 abstract deadline soon!,
Ville Pulkki
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 20 Dec 2010 to 21 Dec 2010 (#2010-293),
Nikolai Novitski
- DAFX 2011: Call for Paper,
Geoffroy Peeters
- pages 1265-1266 from Perception, 23(11), 1994?,
Henkjan Honing
- .mov --> .mpeg --> DVD conversion,
Mary Andrianopoulos
- Sound head of the 'Moviola',
ita katz
- seeking a paper,
Yang-soo Yoon
- Measuring acoustic noise of MRI scanner,
Fatima Husain
Mail converted by MHonArc