Call for Papers (including publishing opportunity in the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (Intellect Ltd)
Two Thousand + TEN Symposium (on performance and technologies)
Sonic Arts Research Centre Belfast
6th of November 2010, SARC Belfast
Professor Georgina Born (Cambridge University/University College London)
Professor David Borgo (University of California San Diego)
Evan Parker (saxophone) - invited performer and director of the 'improvised music collective'
The Two Thousand + symposia series, in its fourth edition in 2010, has established itself as a forum for contemporary critical exchange and discussion relating to the performing arts.
By focusing on a specific theme each year the symposium has brought together practitioners and theoreticians from fields as diverse as architecture, music, technology, dance, sound art, drama, philosophy and cultural theory. The Two Thousand + TEN symposium will focus on the theme of improvisation.
The Symposium is co-hosted by the European 2007 project
CO-ME-DI-A (Cooperation and Mediation in Digital Arts) and will run alongside several days of showcase events/performances by COMEDIA partners.
The symposium is free of charge and presenters will be given free access to Sonorities events. These will run from the 4-7th of November 2010.
- 13th of August 2010: 600-1000-word proposal for 20 minutes presentations due (emailed to F.Schroeder@xxxxxxxxx in word or pdf format).
- Authors will be notified within one week and asked to proceed to develop their papers with a view to possible inclusion in a special issue of International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (Intellect Ltd).
- 6th of November 2010: Symposium 9.30am - 6pm, followed by evening concert
- 15th of January 2011: Full manuscript (6000 words) must be ready for peer review
- Envisaged Publication: Autumn 2011
All inquiries can be directed to:
f r a n z i s k a s c h r o e d e r
Initiatrice of Two Thousand + series
Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music