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Positions for Graduate students in Computing Science, Simon Fraser University (Musical Acoustics and Sound Analysis/Synthesis)

Positions for Graduate students in Computing Science, Simon Fraser University (Musical Acoustics and Sound Analysis/Synthesis)

A limited number of both Master's and Ph.D. students are sought to work on various topics in physical modeling synthesis and inverse modeling (parameter estimation) techniques*.  Students would complete their degrees in the Computing Science department at Simon Fraser University, and if in good standing, be funded by a combination of teaching and research assistantships.

Applications and additional information are available at http://www.cs.sfu.ca/gradpgm/.  Prospective students wishing to study the topics mentioned here should list Tamara Smyth as their potential supervisor, and are welcome to contact her beforehand at tamaras@xxxxxxxxx.

*students with other research interests in Computer Music are also encouraged to apply.

Tamara Smyth, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University