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Deadline approaching: LVA/ICA 2010, September 27-30, 2010, Saint-Malo, France
Dear colleagues,
We wish to remind you that the paper submission deadline [April 7] is
approaching for the conference LVA/ICA 2010
LVA/ICA 2010
September 27-30, 2010 - Saint-Malo, France
9th International Conference on
Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation
formerly the International Conference on
Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation
SPECIAL ISSUE Extended versions of selected papers will be considered
for a special issue of the journal Signal Processing published by Elsevier.
The Best Student Paper Award will distinguish the work of a PhD student
with original scientific contributions and the quality of his/her
presentation at LVA/ICA 2010. Eligible papers must be first-authored
and presented by the PhD student during the Conference. Candidates will
be asked to notify their participation on the submission form. A prize
of 400 € offered by the Fondation Metivier will be awarded to the winner.
Pierre Comon, University of Nice, France
Stephane Mallat, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Mark Girolami, University of Glasgow, UK
Arie Yeredor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
as well as a community-based evaluation campaign (SiSEC 2010), a panel
discussion session, and a special late-breaking / demo session.
We look forward to receiving your technical contribution and meeting you
in Saint-Malo!
Remi Gribonval and Emmanuel Vincent
General Chairs
Vincent Vigneron and Eric Moreau
Technical Chairs