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3 PhD positions in European ITN: EBRAMUS

Three PhD scholarship (3 years) are available as part of the European
research project EBRAMUS (Europe BRAin and MUSic). Enrolment as a PhD
student will begin in October or November 2010.

* CIM: gesture-based audio stimulation in cochlear implant users -
University of Gent, Belgium

* Musical deficit or musical benefit in language impairment - CNRS-UMR
6193, Mediterraean University, Marseille, France

* Boosting language processing and implicit learning with temporal
structures - CNRS-UMR 5020, University of Lyon, France

NOTE: Applications will be evaluated as they come in, and the position
will be open until filled (or at the latest, deadline for submission:
August 30, 2010).

EBRAMUS is a consortium of European research centres based in Belgium,
France, Germany, Great Britain, and Poland (for further information:
http://leadserv.u-bourgogne.fr/ebramus). EBRAMUS offers a unique
interdisciplinary graduate programme to study the behavioural, functional,
structural, and plastic effects of music on cognitive functions such us
language, memory, learning, and motor behaviour through an integrative and
interdisciplinary approach. Its goal is to train PhD students in the
multidisciplinary aspects of music in rehabilitation, learning, and
facilitation of cognitive processes with behavioural and neuroscience
(EEG, fMRI, etc.) methods.

Attachment: PhD_Lyon.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: PhD_Marseille.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: PhD_Gent.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document