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Re: sound events database


I don't know where to find such a database, but I wonder 
about the purpose of a reference level.  It seems to me 
that this would be relatively useless without knowing how 
far the mic was from the source.

Just curious what you are planning to do with this.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

On 22 Apr 2010 at 10:47, Ernesto Accolti wrote:

> Dear List,
> Anyone knows where could I find a calibrated database of sound events?
> I mean events like car, trucks and motorcycle passby, birds, dogs ...
> alarms. It is better if they are far from the background noise and
> each event in a separated wavefile or very distant in time (not
> overlapping).
> The sounds that I am searching must not be in loosely compression
> formats and must have a calibration reference  (e.g.) in order to know
> the sound pressure level that represents the full scale of the file.
> I will appreciate any help.
> Best regards,
> Ernesto Accolti.
> PhD student
> Built Environment Control Laboratory
> Second University of Naples
> Aversa (Ce), Italy
> Laboratory of Acoustics and Electroacoustics
> National University of Rosario
> Rosario, Argentina

Bob Masta
            D A Q A R T A
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator
    Science with your sound card!