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REMINDER LVA/ICA 2010: Registration open + Call for Late-breaking / demo submissions
[Apologies for cross-postings]
JULY 15: Early registration deadline
JULY 31: Demo/late-breaking submission deadline
More than 20 papers on music and audio source separation
Dear colleagues,
Registrations are now open for the LVA/ICA conference on Latent Variable
Analysis and Signal Separation (http://lva2010.inria.fr/).
LVA will held on September 27-30 in the Palais du Grand Large, in the
ancient city of Saint-Malo, a picturesque sea resort located in
Brittany, in the north-west of France.
Note that the IEEE MMSP conference on Multimedia Signal Processing will
be held at the same place on October 4-6, 2010, just a few days after
the LVA/ICA conference. This offers a good opportunity to visit Brittany
and its beautiful natural landscape and architectural heritage between
the two conferences!
LVA will also feature a special Late-breaking / demo session for which
submissions are open until July 31st, 2010.
In addition to contributed presentations by leading researchers in the
field of signal separation, latent variable analysis, sparse component
analysis, compressed sensing, independent component analysis, including
audio and biomedical applications, LVA will feature
o a panel discussion on The future of latent variable analysis and
signal separation
P. Smaragdis (USA), T. Bell (USA), Andrzej Cichocki (Japan), Michel
Fliess (France), Christian Jutten (France)
o a community-based SIgnal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC 2010)
and a panel discussion on Evaluation of Signal Separation and Remaining
S. Araki (Japan), F. Theis (Germany), G. Nolte (Germany)
o plenary lectures by
Pierre Comon, University of Nice, France
Stephane Mallat, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Mark Girolami, University of Glasgow, UK
Arie Yeredor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
For more details on LVA we invite you to have a look at the technical
and social program which is now online at http://lva2010.inria.fr/
LVA will also feature a late-breaking demo session which will be
dedicated to the presentation of:
o Early results and ideas that are not yet fully formalized and evaluated
o Software and data of interest to the community, with focus on open
source resources
o Signal separation systems evaluated in SiSEC 2010 but not associated
with a full paper
Submissions to the late-breaking/demo session are welcome in the form of
a non-reviewed abstract, which will be included in the conference
program on a first come first served basis, but not published in the
The deadline for late-breaking/demo/SiSEC abstract submission is July
31st, 2010. This abstract is to be sent to the Program Chairs at
lvaica2010 at gmail . com
Saint Malo (http://www.saint-malo-tourisme.com/index.jsp?lang=en), the
corsair city, is an ancient city and pitoresque sea resort located in
Brittany, in the north-west of France. Chateaubriand, Surcouf, Jacques
Cartier... from writers to privateers and sailors, many were the good
men who hailed from Saint-Malo. As if in honour of their pride and
independence, the forts and ramparts of the corsair city face the sea,
adding to the city's charm and its exceptional setting. To visitors and
event-goers, the city offers the beauty of its maritime views and the
wealth of its historical heritage. A city of 52,000 inhabitants that is
lively all year round, Saint-Malo's heart beats to the rhythm of the
major event it hosts, festivals as the Etonnants Voyageurs or
Internationally renowned regattas such as the Route du Rhum.
o July 6, 2010: Camera ready paper due
o July 15, 2010: Author registration / early registration deadline.
At least one author of each accepted paper MUST BE REGISTERED to
the conference by this date to guarantee inclusion of the paper in the
o July 31, 2010: Late-breaking / demo / SiSEC abstract submission
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Saint-Malo,
Best regards,
Vincent Vigneron, Vicente Zarzoso, Eric Moreau
Program Chairs
Remi Gribonval and Emmanuel Vincent
General Chairs