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Re: [Cochlea-amp.] [AUDITORY] Topics for discussion
Please don't cross post and keep this thread related to AUDITORY on the
On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 18:55 -0700, Margaret Mortz wrote:
> I would like to second Etienne's request to keep the cochlear
> amplifier discussion on the AUDITORY list.
> I receive the email responses separately rather than as a long
> composite digest, so it is easier to segregate topics As long as the
> subject line contains the topic, I can easily bypass topics that I am
> not interested in. .
> I find this thread to be very interesting. I have a special interest
> in learning about how the brain gives feedback to the cochlear active
> listening process via OHC. Obviously, I need to also learn about the
> cochlea's passive dynamics itself. It seems to be far more
> complicated than I realized.
> Margaret Mortz
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Etienne Gaudrain
> <et.gaudrain@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Professor Bregman, dear list,
> I am very glad you pointed out that the AUDITORY list is a
> place that reflects the diversity of auditory research. I
> would like to add that the interaction between researchers of
> various backgrounds is essential in that field of research,
> and the AUDITORY list certainly helps a lot in that regard.
> If each specialized group of interest were to create their own
> list, how could transversal communication take place? We would
> just end up with a very scattered landscape of auditory
> research, and one would have to spend hours on the web to find
> and reconnect all the pieces.
> So, although I understand that some people could be annoyed by
> the discussion, there is no strong reason why
> cochlear-modellers in particular should not be welcomed on the
> list. It seems more obvious that there are strong reasons why
> they should stay and share there debate They are good guys,
> they contribute a lot! Otherwise we can also politely ask the
> people who wonder about "timbre" to wonder elsewhere. Or what
> about those who ask questions about sound cards... I mean who
> cares? Worst than everything, those who request papers...
> can't they just pay for it?! The final blow: the improbable
> conference announcements (even seen a call for a French
> meeting for PhD students... which would concern, what, 50
> people? ever seen an ASA meeting announced here?)... And
> probably the people that are a tiny bit sarcastic should also
> be banned from the list...
> In the real world you can't suppress the sound of people
> arguing in the street by any other mean than earplugs that
> will also suppress the lovely music you were listening to. You
> may have heard of this: the auditory scene analysis problem,
> nicely formulated by a great guy in Canada, can't remember his
> name. Well, on the Internet, you can actually very easily
> filter out just the electronic messages you don't want as long
> as you can describe what they look like (as already suggested
> by Keith Kluender and others). This is a bit sad but, on the
> Internet, the scene analysis problem has been solved some time
> ago. For those of you who don't know how, here is a quick
> tutorial for Thunderbird:
> http://csd.mta.ca/html_pages/thunderbird/Filters.htm. I'm sure
> similar tutorials can be found for Outlook, or any modern
> email software your using. Silent readers of the list
> shouldn't be deprived of an interesting debate (although
> sometime a bit over-enthusiastic, but then, normally, adults
> know that people are making a bit a fool of themselves when
> they are rude in public for dull reasons) because some less
> silent readers do not like it. I wouldn't sign a petition to
> close a TV channel because they show too boring programs
> between 2 and 4 am...
> So please, mechanical cochlear modellers, do come back.
> -Etienne
> On 16/03/2010 22:34, Al Bregman wrote:
> Dear list,
> I would like to remind everyone that the AUDITORY list
> members come
> from a variety of disciplines including experimental
> psychology,
> linguistics (especially phonology), infant
> development, brain
> sciences, music and other sonic arts, audio
> technology, artificial
> intelligence, robotics, computer science, and speech
> and hearing
> science. For the last little while, the postings seem
> to have focused
> heavily on a rather technical and heated discussion of
> the mechanics
> of the cochlea. It is impressive to see the
> enthusiasm of researchers
> on this topic, but I hope that other people will not
> be discouraged
> from interrupting this discussion with questions,
> announcements, and
> messages on other topics.
> Perhaps it would be a good idea if, when any group
> wishes to have a
> prolonged discussion of a highly specialized topic,
> they form a
> discussion group of interested parties. It would then
> be of great
> interest for the list as a whole to be brought up to
> date on the
> thoughts, and maybe conclusions, of this specialized
> group if any of
> its members were willing to take the trouble to write
> up summaries
> from time to time.
> Best to all,
> Al
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Albert S. Bregman, Emeritus Professor
> Psychology Department, McGill University
> 1205 Docteur Penfield Avenue
> Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 1B1.
> Office: Phone: (514) 398-6103, Fax: (514) 398-4896
> http://webpages.mcgill.ca/staff/Group2/abregm1/web/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Etienne Gaudrain, PhD
> MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
> 15 Chaucer Road
> Cambridge, CB2 7EF
> UK
> Phone: +44 1223 273 664
> Fax (unit): +44 1223 359 062
> _______________________________________________
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