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Marie Curie post-doc position
Dear readers of this list,
Are you a PhD holder, national from Europe, and residing since 3 years
or more *outside* Europe (i.e. outside the European Union or FP7
Associated Countries)?
Then you might be interested in applying with our research group to a
3 years post-doc position in Porto, Portugal, in:
* Music Information Retrieval
* Human-Computer Musical Interaction
* Automatic Music Generation
* Music applications of Pattern Recognition
* Music Robotics
* Audio Processing
... or a related field.
The Programme is called "WELCOME II Promoting the return of
researchers to the European Research Area".
The salary is between €61k - €68k per year (depending on early
post-doc, or experienced post-doc)
+ mobility and travel allowance (1.600€)
+ research costs (5.000€/year)
Deadline: December 12th 2010
Expected start of contract: May 2011
For further information on that Programme, please have a look at:
and http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/welcome2
For further information on our research group, please have a look at
our website (http://smc.inescporto.pt/).
Our research team is part of the INESC Porto (Institute for Systems
and Computer Engineering of Porto), a private non-profit association,
recognized as Public Interest Institution, that has been recently
appointed as Associated Laboratory by the Portuguese State
If you are interested, or for any information regarding our research,
please contact me directly: fgouyon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best regards,
Fabien Gouyon, PhD
Senior Research Scientist, INESC Porto
Invited Assistant Professor, Engineering Faculty, University of Porto