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Re: New Textbook "Auditory Neuroscience"

Dear all,

further to my earlier message, MIT Press assure me that the discount code


(that's with a zero, not the letter O) for preorders at
is now active, and will remain active until December 17th.

Best regards, and apologies for the earlier glitch.


On 2 November 2010 10:42, Jan Schnupp <jan.schnupp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Further to my earlier message, please note that there seems to be a
> technical glitch with the discount code for the book. I will let you
> know when that is fixed.
> Apologies and best regards,
> Jan
> On 2 November 2010 09:25, Jan Schnupp <jan.schnupp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> I am pleased to announce that MIT Press will be launching a new
>> textbook which is likely to be of interest to list members at the
>> upcoming Society for Neuroscience Conference in San Diego (Nov
>> 13-17).. It is entitled
>> "Auditory Neuroscience - Making Sense of Sound"
>> The book, authored by Eli Nelken, Andy King and yours truly, aims to
>> provide a highly readable and up to date synopsis of hearing research
>> that is suitable as a textbook for a 2nd year undergraduate course in
>> neuroscience, psychology or audiology, or for self study by graduates
>> or researchers who are entering the field of hearing research from
>> other disciplines and need to get a quick, integrated overview. Its
>> eight chapters cover the following topics:
>> fundamentals of acoustics and signal processing,
>> neurobiology of the ear,
>> psychology and physiology of pitch perception,
>> neural processing of vocalizations and speech,
>> spatial hearing,
>> auditory scene analysis,
>> development & plasticity of the auditory system,
>> hearing aids and cochlear implants.
>> We will be basing an Auditory Neuroscience course module as part of
>> our new neuroscience undergraduate degree at Oxford on this book.
>> A web site with multimedia content to accompany the book is nearing
>> completion at
>> http://auditoryneuroscience.com
>> The book is available to pre-order at a 30% discount from the MIT web
>> site http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=12292
>> To get a 30% discount, enter discount code
>> M0388
>> This code is valid until mid December 2010 only.
>> Prof Shihab Shamma had the following nice things to say about this new book:
>> "This book is unique in its elegant unification of a broad view of the
>> fundamentals of hearing with a highly sophisticated account of the
>> current state of auditory neuroscience. Each chapter is a
>> self-contained, coherent, and comprehensive account of a major
>> attribute or function of hearing that takes the reader through an
>> exciting journey of discovery, beginning with basic definitions and
>> ending with a balanced critique of the diverse opinions and ideas that
>> are typical of a lively field of investigation. In such a scientific
>> endeavor, this book is a valuable guide for the novice and the expert
>> alike."
>> Best wishes,
>> Jan
>> --
>> Dr Jan Schnupp
>> University of Oxford
>> Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
>> Sherrington Building - Parks Road
>> Oxford OX1 3PT - UK
>> +44-1865-272513
>> www.oxfordhearing.com
> --
> Dr Jan Schnupp
> University of Oxford
> Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
> Sherrington Building - Parks Road
> Oxford OX1 3PT - UK
> +44-1865-272513
> http://jan.schnupp.net

Dr Jan Schnupp
University of Oxford
Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Sherrington Building - Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PT - UK