A 3-year
PhD position will be available starting next September (2010) at Lyon 1
University, France, in the Audiology team of CNRS UMR5020 (http://olfac.univ-lyon1.fr/unite/equipe-01/)
the Brain Dynamics and Cognition INSERM U821 laboratory (http://u821.lyon.inserm.fr/). The project
aims at studying sub-cortical and cortical processing of speech sounds
electrophysiological techniques (speech Auditory Brainstem Responses,
EEG) in
humans. Further details about the project can be found at: http://ifnl.univ-lyon1.fr/index.php/fr/Doctorat/Ecole-doctorale-NSCo/Sujets-de-theses The position will
offer a salary of about 1395
Euros net per month. Applicants for
the position should have or expect to obtain shortly an MSc or
equivalent in a
relevant field (Neurosciences, Physiology, Signal Processing, etc.).
candidates should e-mail their application, including a CV, a short
of their research interests, and the contact information of 2 referees,
to Dr Hung
Thai-Van (hthaivan [at] gmail.com) and Dr Anne Caclin (Anne.Caclin [at]
inserm.fr). -- Anne Caclin INSERM U821 - Dynamique cérébrale et Cognition 69675 Bron Cedex, FRANCE Tel : (33) 4 72 13 89 04 Fax : (33) 4 72 13 89 01 http://u821.lyon.inserm.fr/ |