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VRIC Workshop on "Haptics for Telepresence, Teleoperation and Collaborative Environments"



VRIC Workshop on "Haptics for Telepresence, Teleoperation and Collaborative Environments"

13th Virtual Reality International Conference,

April 6-8, 2011, Laval, France






While haptic sense provides the most natural way to interact and physically feel the environment, it also has an important role in communication and collaboration between users through co-located and remote configurations.


This special function of haptics supports low level exchanges during closely coupled tasks and enables improved interpersonal awareness, social presence and affective communication through the last Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work systems (CSCW). This highly multidisciplinary field is quickly expanding and involves numerous research challenges including hardware, software, perceptual and social issues.


This workshop intends to foster discussions and exchanges among participants and exhibit recent and original contributions in the field of haptics for Telepresence, Teleportation and Collaborative Environments (e.g., CVE, CSCW, Groupware). The workshop solicits research papers (4-6 pages) and posters (1-2 pages) addressing one or more of the following topics, although authors should not feel limited by them:


* Haptic interpersonal communication, haptic affective and emotional communication, haptic for the interpersonal awareness and presence

* Telepresence, Teleoperation and Telemicro/nanomanipulation systems

* Collaborative Virtual Environments, Groupwares and Computer Supported Cooperative Work systems (software architectures, hardware platforms, etc.)

* Haptics in mobile devices (Smartphone, Tablet, etc.), haptic for E-learning environments

* Experimental studies, Social studies



Workshop Co-Chairs:


* Mehdi Ammi, CNRS/LIMSI, Univ. Paris-Sud 11, France

* Jérôme Perret, Haption, France



Program Committee:


* Anatole Lécuyer, INRIA, France

* kheddar Abderrahmane, CNRS-AIST Joint Robotics Laboratory, Japan

* Kyle B. Reed, University of South Florida, USA

* Eva-Lotta Sallnäs, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

* Sabine Coquillart, INRIA, France

* Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, University of Ottawa, Canada

* Durand R Begault, NASA Ames Research Center, USA

* Yuru Zhang, Beihang University, China

* Manuel Ferre Perez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain

* Kanav Kahol, Arizona State University, USA

* Gabriel Zachmann, Clausthal University, Germany

* Catherine Guastavino, McGill University, Canada

* Nizar Ouarti, ISIR, France

* Lorenzo Picinali, De Montfort University, UK

* Yacine Bellik, CNRS/LIMSI, France

* Jeremy Cooperstock, McGill University, Canada

* Antoine Ferreira, PRISME, France



Important Information:


* Deadline for paper submission : January 10, 2011

* Notification of acceptance : February 14, 2011

* Final Camera-Ready : March 04 2011



Submission Process:


* http://www.laval-virtual.org





* EuroVR Special Interest Group on Haptics (Haptic-SIG): www.hapticsig.org

* Haption: www.haption.com


Dr. Lorenzo Picinali
Faculty of Technology
De Montfort University, The Gateway
Leicester, LE1 9BH
Room GH 5.31 (Gateway House)
Tel 0116 207 8051