Vinay, If you have access to MatLab this is fairly simple. You can read
the file in using fread with the 'int16' option, and then write them out as a
.wav file using wavwrite. (That assumes signed 16bit ints, for unsigned use 'uint16') To convert every .bin file in the current working directory to a
.wav file, something like the below should work (excuse the messy code,
it's not elegant, but will hopefully be effective). input_list = dir('*.bin'); for i = 1:length(input_list) fid
= fopen(input_list(i).name); data
= "" fclose(fid);
data end Sam Jelfs From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception
[mailto:AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vinay
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