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IEEE Benelux Symposium on Signal Processing for Hearing Aids

Dear List,

It is our pleasure to announce the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium:
'Signal Processing for Digital  Hearing Aids' to be held in Delft, the
Netherlands on April 22, 2010 (http://www.bsps2010.nl).

Over the last 20 years, various digital signal processing (DSP) techniques
have been introduced in hearing aids.  With DSP techniques, hearing aid
technologies have advanced to a point where each individual fitting can be
tailored to the individual?s acoustical and environmental needs. A major
advantage of DSP technology is its  ability to make the hearing aid
adaptive, thereby modifying the hearing aid performance over time. Examples
of  those signal processing techniques are adaptive beam-forming, adaptive
feedback management and noise reduction  systems.

The IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium will provide a platform for
information exchange and discussion on  topics related to signal processing
for digital hearing aids.

A registration fee of Euro 75,- must be paid by cash at the registration
desk on the day of the symposium. Price  includes coffee/tea and lunch. More
information can be found (incl. registration) at http://www.bsps2010.nl

Preliminary program:
9:00 ? 10:00	Registration/coffee
10:00 ? 11:00	Keynote speaker: overview signal processing in hearing aids,
11:00 ? 12:00	Coffee break
11:20 ? 13:00	20 minutes presentations:

* Wouter Dreschler (UvA), ?Clinical applications of signal processing in
hearing aids?
* Ulrik Kjems (Oticon), ?Speech Intelligibility from Ideal Time-Frequency
Gain Manipulations"
* ExSilent
* John Beerends (TNO), ?Measuring audio quality of hearing aids, from
philosophy to practical algorithm?

13:00 ? 14:00 	Lunch
14:00 ? 15:00	Keynote speaker: Philip Loizou (Uni. Of Texas), ?Lack of
intelligibility benefit with existing  noise-reduction algorithms, and
suggested solutions?
15:00 ? 15:20	Coffee break
15:20 ? 17:00 	20 minutes presentations:

* Marc Moonen (Leuven University), ?Signal processing challenges in hearing
aids with open fittings?
* Cees Taal (TU Delft), ?An objective measure for single-channel speech
enhancement intelligibility assessment?
* Sriram Srinivasan (Philips Research), ?Rate-constrained beamforming in
wireless binaural hearing aids: what and  at what rate to transmit.
* ReSound

17:00 ? 17:30	Drinks

Signal Processing Chapter committee:
Richard Heusdens, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
François Horlin, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Luuk Spreeuwers, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Stefaan Vandenberghe, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium


 Richard Heusdens

 Signal and Information Processing Lab
 Dept. of Mediamatics
 Fac. of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Informatics
 Delft University of Technology

 Mekelweg 4,                               Bldng: HB11.280,
 2628 CD  Delft,                           Phone: +31 (0)15 27 83 544
 The Netherlands                           Fax  : +31 (0)15 27 81 843

 e-mail: R.Heusdens@xxxxxxxxxx
