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Assistant Professor - University of Louisville
List members may be interested in position #1 described below:
The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of
Louisville invites applications for two full-time, tenure track
positions at the Assistant Professor level beginning July 1, 2011.
(1) Vision and Hearing Sciences (VHS). We are seeking to expand our
faculty in the Vision and Hearing Sciences training program. Preference
will be given to applicants with research interests in the hearing
sciences, broadly defined, and to those whose work overlaps vision and
hearing. Applicants from all areas of sensation, perception and action
will be considered. (2) Cognitive and Developmental Sciences (CDS). We
seek candidates with expertise that complements existing strengths in
Cognitive and Developmental Sciences. See
Successful candidates will have completed their Ph.D. by July 1, 2011
and are expected to contribute to undergraduate and graduate training
and to maintain an excellent record of research productivity and
external funding. The Department offers Ph.D. degrees in Experimental
Psychology, with a concentration in CDS or VHS, as well as Clinical
Psychology (APA-Approved), maintains a research-based Psychological
Services Center, and serves a large undergraduate major.
Applicants must apply online at www.louisville.edu/jobs, reference Job
ID# 25796, and attach a curriculum vitae. Other required documents to be
sent by mail include: a cover letter indicating which position(s) the
applicant is applying for, teaching and research statements,
representative reprints and preprints, and 3 letters of recommendation.
These documents should be sent directly to: Search Committee, Attention:
Ms. Leisa Hillman, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences,
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. Review of applications
will begin Nov 1, 2010, with applications accepted until final
candidates are identified.
The University of Louisville is an Affirmative Action, Equal
Opportunity, Americans with Disabilities Employer, committed to
diversity and in that spirit, seeks applications from a broad variety of
Pavel Zahorik, Ph.D.
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Life Sciences Building, Room 347
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
502 852 3843 Voice
502 852 8904 Fax