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Re: Music listening styles

Dear Listers,
I've begun to lose tiny slices of time consciousness. This affects my ability to stay on top of the beat in the orchestra and leaves me almost unable to count measures and stay "in the moment" with the music.

Could compromised basal ganglia (associated with time perception) have anything to do with this? 

Any wisdom on time perception (especially as a constant flow) would be appreciated. This problem seems out of the realm of normal neuro problems, but is greatly affecting my ability to consistently perform.

Lawrence Borden
Associate Professor of Trombone
Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University
Principal Trombone, Nashville Symphony Orchestra
O   (615) 322-7676
H   (615) 255-4191
C   (615) 397-1253
E   Lawrence.Borden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
W  WWW.Vanderbilt.edu/trombonestudio

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