AUDITORY posting archive 2004 (threads)
- Re: any ideas?,
Peter Meijer
- What is the limit of "exclusive allocation" ?,
Paul du Preez
- Strange!!,
Tarun Pruthi
- Can you do me a favor,
gao qingwa
- For Speech Understanding,
xiao xianbo
- Re: other ideas? the mundane explanation,
Colette McKAY
- Localization in azimuth,
James Heron
Chuck Larson
- Generating sine waves with Winsound,
Marco Kobbenbring
- ARO 2004 MidWinter meeting, Daytona Beach,
Karolina Kluk
- Research Position available in computer music/sound, cognition and affect,
Kate Stevens
- Re: HRTF,
Piotr Majdak
- Sharpness calculation,
Jonathan Roberts
- Digital Audio Effects, DAFx04 Call for Papers,
Gianpaolo Evangelista
- Masking release due to the pitch-based grouping?,
chen-gia tsai
- Neuroscience and seeing with sound,
Peter Meijer
- Pitch and forward masking,
Brian C. J. Moore
- Is correlation any good for pitch perception?,
Dmitry Terez
- Some limitations of the pitch-based grouping,
chen-gia tsai
- Gaussian vs uniform noise audibility,
Bob Masta
- ACF of a rectangle,
Christian Kaernbach
- Re: Cariani's question: "What is the visual analogue of pitch?",
Michael Kubovy
- Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology,
Richard Parncutt
- Re: Cariani's question:"What is the visual analogue of pitch?",
John K. Bates
- Re: Sensitivity of Directional Microphones,
Chirag Patel
- The natural spectrogram, Re: Gaussian vs uniform noise audibility,
Eckard Blumschein
- apparent increase in loudness,
Leon van Noorden
- Re: The natural spectrogram,
beauchamp james w
- Uncertainty principle debate,
- uncertainty principle,
William Hartmann
- reverse engineering of acoustic sources,
beauchamp james w
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 31 Jan 2004 to 1 Feb 2004 (#2004-31),
Georg Essl
- Re: Gaussian vs. uniform noise audibility,
Bob Masta
- Cochlear Delays,
Ramdas Kumaresan
- Re: reverse engineering of acoustic sources (Helmholtz's hollowness),
chen-gia tsai
- Re: reverse engineering of acoustic sources (Helmholtz'shollowness),
chen-gia tsai
- Lectureships / Senior Lectureships @ University of Sussex,
Chris Darwin
- Gordon Research Conference,
Kevin O'Connor
- Chair in Auditory Sciences at Aston University, England,
Marina Rose
- seeking speech corpus,
David Schwartz
- Octave band filter,
Qu Hongwei
- typo in URL address,
Abeer Alwan
- Invited Session "Speech, Audio and Signal Processing", at SCI 2004,
kais Ouni
- PME04 - Call for Papers,
Massimo Grassi
- PhD Studentships in Speech & Hearing at Sheffield,
Martin Cooke
- ARO roommate,
Tanya Arbogast
- Lectureships / Senior Lectureships at Sussex,
Chris Darwin
- Post-doctoral position available,
Nicolas Tsingos
- Speech Rec,
- Postdoctoral Position in Cochlear Implant Research, Cambridge,
Bob Carlyon
- Postdoctoral Position to study auditory-somatosensory integration,
Susan Shore
- [AUD] CFP: Music Information Retrieval. ISMIR 2004. Barcelona,
Dan Ellis
- Qualitative research on musical hallucinations?,
Lassi A Liikkanen
- Request info.: ACC,
akartik1 narayanan
- distancing effect in Chinese music,
chen-gia tsai
- ERP working memory task for musicians?,
Boris Kleber
- ICMC 2004 submission opened,
Georg Essl
- 10 Years of ICAD--Nominating Papers,
Bruce Walker
- Re: ear canal length,
Brad Ingrao
- Iowa Musical Instrument Samples Update,
Lawrence Fritts
- SAPA 2004 - Deadline extension,
Paris Smaragdis
- Is there considerable phase locking up to 6 kHz?,
chen-gia tsai
- TDT routines,
Denis Mckeown
- Neurophysiology of Developmental Disorders in Children,
Gregor Kohls
- 2 post-doctoral positions in music structure research (London, UK),
Michael Casey
- Critical bands - fixed or "floating"?,
Richard H.
- Discussion about "place pitch" concept,
Dr. Uwe Baumann
- seeking an image of the auditory system,
Mark Ballora
- place pitch and temporal pitch,
Christian Kaernbach
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 17 Mar 2004 to 18 Mar 2004 (#2004-54),
Anamaria S. Kazanis
- (Fwd) Re: place pitch and temporal pitch,
Ward R. Drennan
- post-doctoral position wanted,
Gaëtan Gilbert
- Postdoctoral Fellowship,
Chuck Larson
- TWO Lectureships (assistant professorships) in Audiology,
Stuart Rosen
- pitch or chroma of high-frequency pure tones,
Richard Parncutt
- History of cochlear implant slides,
Ward R. Drennan
- Place-based pitch,
Al Bregman
- WSJ Article on Mead Killion's Fight for Affordable Hearing Aids,
Tony Miller
- (Fwd) Comment on HA article,
Ward R. Drennan
- Inexpensive hearing aids,
Barbara Reynolds
- Tuning Hearing Aids: was Re: Inexpensive hearing aids,
Harriet B Jacobster
- Affordable hearing aids extant?,
Marvit, Peter
- Re: Inexpensive hearing aids - Consideration of Piano harmonics,
Barbara Reynolds
- Re: {SPAM?} Re: Inexpensive hearing aids,
Adams, Scott D
- Re: Yet again on hearing aids - The Marriage of System and Desire,
Harriet B Jacobster
- Yet again on hearing aids,
Richard H.
- Reverse traveling wave does not exist,
Andrew Bell
- Affordable hearing aids (Cognitive function and hearing aids),
Barbara Reynolds
- Vestibular sectioning, and, OAEs,
Matt Flax
- Rules of thumb for trainee dispensing audiologist?,
Richard H.
- Re: Thank you - inexpensive aids,
Barbara Reynolds
- To Ward Brennan,
Barbara Reynolds
- Compact/collective references concerning auditory research,
Barbara Reynolds
- Call for papers on Sound Design 04,
Patrick Susini
- Re: Thank you - inexpensive aids -Was off-list,
Harriet B Jacobster
- surround sound tech info?,
Jim Stevenson
- Is there another list anywhere for "newbie" audiologists?,
Richard H.
- Fw: Hearing aid owner dissatisfaction,
Brent Edwards
- WSJ Letter to the Editor,
Tony Miller
- Re: Thank you - inexpensive aids - Totally agree,
Harriet B Jacobster
- Sensory coding and the natural environment--Gordon Research Conference,
Jonathan Z. Simon
- position in applied psychoacoustics in Denmark,
Wolfgang Ellermeier
- vowels versus consonants,
Ferguson, Sarah Hargus
- [no subject],
Robert Withnell
- FYI: references and comments,
Barbara Reynolds
- ASCII e-mails to the list, please,
Christian Kaernbach
- Mailing list protocol,
Dr. S. W. (Steve) Beet
- ICMPC8 reminder - conference program available online,
Scott D. Lipscomb
- Fw: H.C. Longuet-Higgins (1923-2004),
Al Bregman
- Request: info. ACC,
akartik1 narayanan
- Green's likelihood procedure in Matlab,
Massimo Grassi
- Post Doctoral Fellowship,
Mari Jones
- Psychoacoustics and RA positions.,
ieish gamah
- xwaves in OSX?,
Michael J. Owren
- Difference between cognition and perception?,
Woojay Jeon
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Andrew Milne
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Andrew Bell
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Christian Kaernbach
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Jeffrey J. Sable
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Dan Tollin
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Eliot Handelman
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Scharine, Angelique (Civ,ARL/HRED)
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Jorge Cardoso
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Odd Torleiv Furnes
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception?,
Odd Torleiv Furnes
- Archive request; admin info,
Dan Ellis
- [Fwd: Re: Difference between cognition and perception?],
Rick Nance
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 11 Apr 2004 to 13 Apr 2004 (#2004-78),
Watson, Charles S
- Categorical Perception,
- Academic position,
Sid P. Bacon
- noise classification problem,
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 14 Apr 2004 (#2004-80),
Watson, Charles S
- definition of 'real world sounds',
susan allen
- Long posting on perception / cognition,
Kevin Austin
- Software for audiometric testing,
Luc Rousseau
- Shaeffer's Traité des objets musicaux -- was noise classification,
Kevin Austin
- Re: Difference between cognition and perception? long - <sigh>,
Kevin Austin
- Post-doctoral position, electrophysiology, Baltimore,
Didier Depireux, PhD
- auditory memory and sound classification,
Hadi Harb
- [no subject],
Barbara Reynolds
- Tip links, Calcium depletion and menopause,
Barbara Reynolds
- Criterion differences when measuring threshold,
Ben Hornsby
- Post-Doctoral Research Position at UCL,
Stuart Rosen
- physical aspects of computational auditory scene analysis,
Jason E. Summers (Contractor)
- small speakers,
James Heron
- Hearing Scientist Position in SF Bay Area Research Center,
Brent Edwards
- Auditory fMRI as a reliable diagnostic of schizophrenia?,
Tony Miller
- Ear impression taking technique?,
Richard H.
- Private v List replies ...,
Richard H.
- Bark Scale,
Gregoire, Jerry
- Call for papers: 3rd Annual APCAM,
Laura C. Dilley
- absolute pitch,
susan allen
- Re: absolute pitch,
Thomas G Brennan
- <Possible follow-ups>
- absolute pitch,
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
- Re: absolute pitch,
Leon van Noorden
- AW: absolute pitch,
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
- Re: absolute pitch & animals,
Robert Zatorre
- Re: absolute pitch & animals,
Stewart Hulse
- sex distribution in absolute pitch,
Martin Braun
- Re: absolute pitch & animals,
Martin Braun
- the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Martin Braun
- Re: the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Leon van Noorden
- Re: the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Andrew Milne
- Re: the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Leon van Noorden
- AW: the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
- Re: AW: the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Andrew Milne
- Re: the number of fixed categories in absolute pitch,
Martin Braun
- AW: absolute pitch & animals,
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
- Re: AW: absolute pitch & animals,
Robert Zatorre
- Re: AW: absolute pitch & animals,
Pawel Kusmierek
- Re: AW: absolute pitch & animals,
Susan Hall
- absolute pitch,
Diana Deutsch
David L. Woods
- no message,
Andrezza Almeida Gusmão
- subcortical neural plasticity,
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
- Announcement for the Auditory List,
Carl Ludvigsen
- Absolute pitch; perfect pitch,
Daniel Levitin
- saltation in pitch perception,
Julius Verrel
- Absolute pitch.,
Reinhart Frosch
- Pitch saltation,
James J. Jenkins
- Computational ASA,
Jon Boley
- Auditory Streaming,
Roisin Loughran
- Re: Computational ASA -- how many sources can humans perceive?,
Valeriy Shafiro
- infants and pitch,
Susan Hall
- Re: AW: absolute pitch & animals,
- Re: absolute pitch & formant frequency,
chen-gia tsai
- Posting to list, attachments and html,
Kevin Austin
- Training / talent / AP and vowels,
Kevin Austin
- Number of concurrent streams.,
Al Bregman
- need help!,
Lena Nowicki
- How many sources can humans perceive? / Number of co ncurrent streams,
Valeriy Shafiro
- NIPS 2004 Call for Papers,
John Platt
- Sources & terms,
Kevin Austin
- Mean rate and synchrony parameters,
Tarun Pruthi
- Job: Cambridge University: Auditory Temporal Processing,
Roy Patterson
- Brain, Mind & Culture: Neuroscience Forum, Cyprus, Nov 29-Dec 3 2004,
Kate Stevens
- Job vacancy: Technical Officer in Psychoacoustics (Part time),
Emery Schubert
- auditory localization,
Elyana Makowski
- Re: reference,
Diana Deutsch
- A couple of questions on OAE measurements,
Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda
- [no subject],
yoav frankel
- will phase distortion affect hearing result?,
xiao xianbo
- Re: research on bad quality singing,
Marvit, Peter
- pitch in speech,
- Statistical foundation of jnd and critical bandwidth,
Andrew Milne
- speech in noise training,
Patrick Wong
- Emotional speech, supraglottal structures and limbic system,
chen-gia tsai
- triggers for neural activity in the auditory periphery,
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 May 2004 to 10 May 2004 (#2004-112),
Watson, Charles S
- Demos of hearing loss and amplification,
Stuart Rosen
- Frequency range of hearing loss,
Gary Spittle
- Re: Fwd: Baby Sounds,
Valeriy Shafiro
- Job announcement: Auditory perception researcher,
Dan Ellis
- cochlear implant rehabilitation,
Nathan Weisz
- Roommate needed for ASA Meeting (New York),
Woojay Jeon
- overtone tinnitus?,
Julius Verrel
Stuart Rosen
- Audiometric database software,
David A. Eddins
- postdoc at IHR (Scottish Section),
Michael Akeroyd
- Postdoc in auditory brain imaging (IHR, Nottingham, UK),
Katrin Krumbholz
- Internal Auditory Integrity vs. Hypersonic NeuroMarketing Brain Implants : The Cognitive Liberty Foundation,
leo sullivan
- [no subject],
Lynne Dearlove
- searching article, paper or book summarizing recent findings on the active cochlea / OHC,
bert hubert
- KEMAR pinnae,
Henry, Paula (Cont,ARL/HRED)
- Auditory test,
Claire Piché
- generating sine waves,
G. Robert Arrabito
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 28 May 2004 to 29 May 2004 (#2004-127),
ajith kumar
- software for waveform generation, storage and manipulation,
Stuart Rosen
- R: Re: generating sine waves,
Andrea Valle
- NIPS 2004 Call for Workshops,
John Platt
- International Symposium Psychology and Music Education (PME04),
Massimo Grassi
- email crash,
Jim Stevenson
- Your message to STAT-L-request@LISTS.MCGILL.CA,
L-Soft list server at McGill University NCS (1.8d)
- summary to post requesting a sine wave generation program,
G. Robert Arrabito
- checking the acoustical difference,
Daniel Kislyuk
- Thnaks to those who helped me pass the HAC Exams to become a UK hearing aid dispenser!,
Richard H.
- Music Listening Test,
Dan Ellis
- Question about DAT recorders,
David Schwartz
- How to create a good ear impression .... wot I do ....,
Richard H.
- Position Announcement,
Eric W. Healy
- Meeting on Auditory Scene Analysis and Speech Perception,
Chris Darwin
- signal analysis primitives, and auditory dimensions,
Bruno L. Giordano
- FW: Nato Symposium "New Directions for Improving Audio Effectiven ess",
Brungart Douglas S Civ AFRL/HECB
- Corrected Link For Nato Symposium on Audio Effectiveness,
Brungart Douglas S Civ AFRL/HECB
- Tone language, absolute pitch, and cultural differences,
chen-gia tsai
- Sound Design 04, New Deadline,
Patrick Susini
- A matlab tool for simulating room acoustics,
Kalle Palomäki
- Whispered speech,
C.M. Rankovic
- thresholds, equal loudness and masking,
Sanja Dupor
- Experiment Creator,
Frank A. Russo
- direct/indirect perception,
Julien Ricard
- Sound Design 04, Deadline Today,
Patrick Susini
- About the STAT-L messages on AUDITORY,
Dan Ellis
- NIPS 2004 Call for Demonstrations,
John Platt
- formant frequencies of sung German vowels,
Dave Benson
- Direct and indirect perception,
James J. Jenkins
- 135 dbSPL possible from commercial earphones / earpieces?,
Richard H.
- [OT] What salary needed to attract a psychoacoustic expert in the UK?,
Richard H.
- Research vacancy @ University of Manchester,
Richard J Baker
- PhD thesis: "Signal processing methods for the automatic transcription of music",
Klapuri Anssi
- Binaural Temporal Window,
Bernhard Laback
- the SSQ Spatial Acoustics questionnaire,
Barbara Reynolds
- Re: acoustic shielding,
Yuvi Kahana
- Spatial Acoustics Correction Nature Neuroscience Sep. 1998 417-421,
Barbara Reynolds
- wave files for an auditory display,
Yuvi Kahana
- specific loudness calculation: ambiguity of excitation,
Rossi Mark (PA-ATMO/EES21) *
- finding repeting sequences in a signal,
- Central auditory processing disorder,
Al Bregman
- David Morris is out of the office.,
David Morris
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 8 Jul 2004 to 9 Jul 2004 (#2004-157),
Watson, Charles S
- ISSNIP 2004 Workshop on Biologically Inspired Models,
- IEEE Tr Speech/Audio special issue CFP,
Dan Ellis
- about separately recorded songs,
Yipeng Li
- multi-talker babble,
Patrick Wong
- Position as lecturer (equivalent to Ass't Professor) in Audiology,
Stuart Rosen
- Call for papers: Plasticity in Speech Perception,
Paul Iverson
- USA: dispensers v audiologists?,
Richard H.
- Job postings for Psychoacousticians/Engineers, Singapore,
Dan Ellis
- Benefit from amplification of high frequencies in hearing impaire d,
Martin Vestergaard
- increasing / normalizing loudness for large numbers of wav files,
Timothy Justus
- Re: increasing / normalizing loudness for large numbers of wav files,
David Robinson
- RTA question,
Topher Farrell
- Job Posting,
Michael J Epstein
- perceptually relevant error scale for farfield directivity,
Jacob_Cobi _Waxman
- timbre and tonal volume,
Guillaume Potard
- Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology Program,
Tony Miller
- mathematics for signal processing groups,
- position at MPI, Nijmegen,
Holger Mitterer
- The role of threshold in quiet in specific loudness calculation,
Rossi Mark (PA-ATMO/EES21) *
- recording question (mic vs. line),
- Loudness and Articulation index,
Belisario Nina
- Worskshop on Music Information Processing Systems,
Dan Ellis
- Looking for speech transmission index (STI) program,
- IFMR - research funding possibility,
Scott D. Lipscomb
- Loudness and AI,
Christine M. Rankovic
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 22 Aug 2004 to 23 Aug 2004 (#2004-180),
Scott D. Lipscomb
- PhD position,
- prenatal auditory localization,
Richard Parncutt
- prenatal auditory localization PS,
Richard Parncutt
- Recognition of musical style.,
Pino Buzzanca
- auditory sequence learning,
Aniruddh Patel
- Speech intelligibility tests,
Divya Gupta
- loudness of vowels,
David Schwartz
- Differences between male and female speakers,
Divya Gupta
- Postdoctoral Fellow position at MARCS Auditory Labs, Sydney,
Kate Stevens
- UCM 2004 - Understanding and Creating Music - Caserta, Italia, November 2004, 23-27,
Pino Buzzanca
- Sound design symposium / Colloque design sonore,
Patrick Susini
- ACTIVE listening concerns,
Matt Marble
- TDH earphones,
Ferguson, Sarah Hargus
- getting a signal level from a signal+noise measure?,
Rochelle Newman
- reverberation simulations,
Ken Grant
- Brain, Mind & Culture, Cyprus, Nov 29-Dec 3 - 2nd Announcement,
Kate Stevens
- TDT system 2 users,
McAnally, Ken
- male IEEE sentences,
Ken Grant
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 Sep 2004 to 11 Sep 2004 (#2004-191),
ajith kumar
- Possible National Acadamy of Science Post-Doc Opportunity at AFRL,
Brungart Douglas S Civ AFRL/HECB
- Re: Audibility of fire alarms,
Maher, Rob
- Seeking links,
gandhi ambalam
- call for datasets for psychophysical stationarity study,
Thomas Tanner
- Available: IEEE TNN Special Issue on Temporal Coding,
DeLiang Wang
- Musical style recognition.,
Pino Buzzanca
- 'Speak in my right ear and sing in my left',
- PhD thesis on music transcription,
Taylan Cemgil
- origin of 'timbre',
- AM and beats,
- Matlab code request,
Amanda Lauer
- Re: Octave code request ... was : Matlab code request,
Matt Flax
- Re: origin of "timbre",
Eckard Blumschein
- <Possible follow-ups>
Andrezza Almeida Gusmão
- Spectral tilt and sharper peaks vs TIMIT,
J. Scott Merritt
- where to buy a tactil transducer, tinnitus,
David Portabella
- headphones (again!),
Stuart Rosen
- Re: Hilbert envelope bandwidth,
Eckard Blumschein
- Westra,
Sanja Dupor
- voice recognition software package,
- distortion,
ajith kumar
- prolegomenon to an auditory massage,
Matt Marble
- Fast measurement of head-related-transfer functions,
Ramani Duraiswami
- Inivitation to do online experiment,
Henkjan Honing
- Invitation to do online experiment [follow-up],
Henkjan Honing
- touch screen terminal,
Ken Grant
- job announcement,
Sunil Bharitkar
- AW: touch screen terminal,
Büchler Michael
- Re: Traveling waves or resonance?,
Richard F. Lyon
- Re: Perfect harmony: A mathematical analysis of four historical tunings,
Denis Donovan
- Re: citizen,
L-Soft list server at McGill University NCS (1.8d)
- International Conference on Auditory Display 2005 CFP,
- Please unsubscribe me,
Sally Haggard Bogacz
- aperiodic admin reminder,
Dan Ellis
- Dallos's Corti models,
Matt Flax
- reel-to-reel tape recorder,
Amanda Lauer
- Dispensing digital aids to 60dB+ loss existing aid users?,
Richard H.
- Neurophysiology of Developmental Disorders,
Gregor Kohls
- Open Ph.D. position: Philips Research/Technical University Eindhoven,
M.F. McKinney
- Real time frequency shaping,
Ben Hornsby
- Ph.D. Dissertation Announcement: Pitch Tracking and Speech Enhancement in Noisy and Reverberant Environments,
Mingyang Wu
- Re: Thanks :),
- Speaker Suggestions for Acoustic-Model Building,
- Pitch perception shift caused by carbamazepine,
chen-gia tsai
- Research Fellow opening at Edinburgh for Speech Synthesis,
Dan Ellis
- the efferent auditory system,
Matt Marble
- Headphone to ear canal Transfer Function,
Sergio Rodríguez Soria
- Three R&D Positions at Sound ID,
Hannes Muesch
- NIPS 2004: reminder for early registration,
John Platt
- mfcc filters gain,
Guillaume Lemaitre
- Re: Hello,
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 2 Nov 2004 to 3 Nov 2004 (#2004-229),
Watson, Charles S
- physiological mechanism behind critical bands?,
Woojay Jeon
- Spectral moments in vowel perception,
Jyrki Tuomainen
- Audiology Position University of Leeds,
Nick Thyer
- R&D Positions at Sound ID,
Hannes Muesch
- [no subject],
Ramdas Kumaresan
- octave illusion and attention,
Chris Chambers
- MR-compatible headphones: Koss medical ESP 900,
Yoshiko Yamada
- painfully loud sound,
jan schnupp
- another octave illusion article,
Ranil Sonnadara
- estimate of frequency response,
- International Conference,
Gregor Kohls
- loud sounds,
Amanda Lauer
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 10 Nov 2004 to 11 Nov 2004 (#2004-237),
ajith kumar
- Parabolic search,
Topher Farrell
- Perception position at Wisconsin,
Keith R. Kluender
- Painfully loud sounds RE: AUDITORY Digest - 10 Nov 2004 to 11 Nov 2004 (#2004-237),
- Re: Pitch perception shift caused by carbamazepine / delay shift,
chen-gia tsai
- auditory filters without tails,
Anssi Klapuri
- Re: Harmonic Analysis on f0-Curve,
- Painfully loud sounds,
Barbara Reynolds
- Otoacoustic Emissions and Anticholinergics,
Barbara Reynolds
- Postdoctoral fellowship in Auditory Modeling and Signal Processing,
Jean Rouat
- Position vacancy in the Speech and Hearing Program and the Graduate Center of CUNY,
Glenis Long
- Musical Instrument Discrimination Study,
David Gunawan
- ARO roommate needed,
Amanda Lauer
- new book on the cocktail-party effect,
Pierre Divenyi
- new journal -- JONES,
David L. Woods
- Auditory Localization Model,
Qu Tianshu
- Re: research interest,
Al Bregman
- Ph.D. stipends in acoustics, Aalborg, Denmark,
Wolfgang Ellermeier
- Mail_Delivery_failure <4318>,
- Re: Pitch perception shift caused by carbamazepine and yawning,
chen-gia tsai
- Steven van de Par/EHV/RESEARCH/PHILIPS is out of the office.,
Steven van de Par
- Lecturer Post,
Al Bregman
- Dopamine, Parkinson's, Inner ear physiology,
Barbara Reynolds
- Question about Vocal Tract Modeling,
Tarun Pruthi
- noise-cancelling headphones,
- Special Session on Size in communication sounds,
Roy Patterson
- Reference for Painfully Loud Sounds and Synaesthesia,
Barbara Reynolds
- Voice Command/Control: Best Off-the-Shelf Software for Imbedding in Device?,
Daniel Gastel
- Tucker Davis & Linux,
Etienne Gaudrain
- Fwd: An open position in Speech and Hearing at the University of Illinois,
Brian Gygi
- IEEE Special Issue Call for Papers,
Paris Smaragdis
- Senior Research Scientist position at MRC Institute of Hearing Research – South ampton, U.K.,
Katrin Krumbholz
- Music, Mind and Technology – Master’s Progr amme ,
Petri Toiviainen
- IAC vs Acoustic Systems,
Dan Tollin
- Anechoic chamber availability and advice,
Maher, Rob
- Subscription probe for AUDITORY - please ignore,
L-Soft list server at McGill University NCS (1.8d)
- Headphones for localization tests, again,
Sergio Rodríguez Soria
- Multilingual Semantic Scaling for Perpetual modality: Tone Color (Timbre),
Charith N. W. Giragama
- Semantic Scaling for Timbre Perception,
Charith N. W. Giragama
- miniature microphones,
- Basilar membrane response in animals,
Gregoire, Jerry
- informational masking,
Ken Grant
- ICMC 2005 update,
Fabien Gouyon
- The calculation of Speech Intelligibility Index,
gao qingwa
- Emmanuel Vincent: MIREX 2005 call,
Dan Ellis
- Re: AUDITORY Digest - 19 Dec 2004 to 22 Dec 2004 (#2004-262),
Anthony Gritten
- college graduate looking for acoustics/audio employment,
Jacob Cobi Waxman
- IPAM conference..,
Jayaganesh Swaminathan
- apologies,
Jacob Cobi Waxman
- the /la/-/ra/ contrast perception,
- Sampling frequency,
ajith kumar
- Virus,
Al Bregman
- models of low-frequency binaural phenomena,
Dan Tollin
- Pitch extraction with RAPT on Windows and Linux,
li qi ying
- Two questions I was asked,
John ffitch
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