Dear friends, 03/04/0403/04/04I am postgraduate student (Audiology) at All India institute of speechand hearing, Manasasgangothri, University of Mysore, India. It is apremier institute in the file of audiological research and the field ofcommunication disorders sice its inception in 1966, in Asia.I was very much interested in the field of auditory neuroscience, andpursuing my interest and ambition I mad! e my way into this field.Presently, I have taken up a scientific paper presentation at one of theupcomining conferences in India, on the topic : 'Acoustic change complex(ACC)-- the N1P2 complex elicited due to change in the ongoing speechstimuli (cortical evoked potentials)' . In this respect, I request yourkind selves to kindly share any sort of relevant review texts.Hope you will consider my humble request and oblige.Thanking you in anticipation.N.Kartik,Postgraduate student (Audiology),All India institute of speech and hearing,Mansagangothri,Mysore - 570006,India.