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[AUDITORY] Upcoming deadline for Hearing Industry Research Consortium's call on Successful Communication: August 1st 2024

Dear colleagues in hearing research, 

On behalf of the Hearing Industry Research Consortium (IRC) I would remind you about this year's Request for Proposals (RfP) for research announced at Successful Communication: novel, real-life relevant outcome measures of HA benefit. The RfP is also attached to this email. 

The funding pool for this RfP is 300,000 US Dollars, and the time period for execution of projects under this RfP is 2–3 years from 1st of January 2025. Proposals for projects of two years duration are preferred. It is expected that one or two project proposals will be funded.

Detailed descriptions of the application procedure, the guidelines for research under this scheme, and the proposed research area can be downloaded and also found on the Hearing IRC website. The deadline for submission is August 1, 2024.

Questions can be sent to any of the Hearing IRC members listed on the website or using the Contact Form on the website.

The Hearing IRC is made up of the heads of research from the top hearing aid manufacturers in the world, which include GN Hearing, Oticon, Sonova, WS Audiology and Starkey Hearing Technologies. The IRC was created to have a non-competitive, mutually agreed upon research agenda benefiting the hearing aid industry, its customers and end users. For more information about the Hearing Industry Research Consortium, visit http://hearingirc.com.

Kind regards

PS We announce the RfP to Auditory in February and send this reminder a month or so before the deadline. 

Niels H. Pontoppidan
Ph.D., M.Sc.E.

Principal Scientist, IRC Chairperson 2023-2024


Oticon A/S

Kongebakken 9
2675 Smørum

Direct:     +45 4829 8927
Mobile:   +45 3061 5087
Email:     npon@xxxxxxxxx

Website: www.oticon.com


Attachment: HIRC2024rfp.pdf
Description: HIRC2024rfp.pdf