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[AUDITORY] Postdoc opportunity at University of Michigan

Dear colleagues,

I am starting a research lab at the Kresge Hearing Research Institute (KHRI) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and am looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher. The research will focus on the perception and cortical processing of pitch and harmonicity in the healthy and impaired human auditory system using a combination of behavior, EEG, and fMRI.
The start date is flexible (tentative start date - June 1st, 2022).

More information can be found here: https://careers.umich.edu/job_detail/211268/research-fellow

I would appreciate it if you could share this within your network. Potential candidates are encouraged to reach out to me at apneurolab@xxxxxxxxx to chat informally about the position.

Thank you!

Anahita Mehta, PhD (she/her)
Research Associate
Auditory Perception and Cognition Lab
Department of Psychology (N640)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities