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Re: [AUDITORY] how to post job announcment

Hi Mitch,
I believe you can just paste the link or the announcement in a mail to the list. 

Depending on the topic you could consider posting the opportunity here:

Looking for a new challenge in academia or industry? Check job opportunities for a list of current opportunities (for PhDs / research scientists or professors) in computational audiology or related fields. Skills in #ML#modeling, #(machine) perception, or #audiocoding are an asset. If you wish to post a job from your organization, please reach out to us via jobs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. All posted vacancies link to the university or company that has posted the vacancy.

For academia this job posting service is free. But any contribution in kind to the website (e.g. resources?) is much appreciated. 

More services for professionals are found here:

Best regards,

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From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception <AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Sommers, Mitchell <msommers@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 4:35:01 PM
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AUDITORY] how to post job announcment
Hi...I have a postdoctoral position that would be of interest to the list and I'm current subscribed to the list. However, I cannot figure out how to post the job announcement. Any information would be most helpful.


Mitch Sommers

Mitchell S. Sommers
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Washington University in St. Louis

Email: Msommers@xxxxxxxxx

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