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[AUDITORY] Making Sense of Sounds Data Challenge deadline soon: 30 Oct 2018

Dear List,

The submission deadline for the "Making Sense of Sounds" (MSoS) Data Challenge (http://cvssp.org/projects/making_sense_of_sounds/site/challenge/) is fast approaching:

	** Submission deadline: 30 October 2018 **

Direct links:

 * Development & Evaluation data:

 * Submission system:

We have also provided a deep learning baseline: 

The task in the MSoS Challenge is to classify audio files as belonging to one of five broad categories derived from human classification experiments: Nature, Human, Music, Effects, or Urban. We call for machine systems to attempt to replicate this human ability of category generalisation.

The MSoS Challenge is jointly organized by University of Salford and University of Surrey. 

The results of the MSoS Challenge will be announced at the DCASE 2018 Workshop:

For more information about the challenge and how to take part, see:

Important dates:

 * Submission deadline: 30 Oct 2018
 * Results announced: 19/20 Nov 2018 (at DCASE 2018 Workshop)

Contact: MSoS.challenge@xxxxxxxxx

We look forward to your submission!

Mark Plumbley

On behalf of the MSoS Challenge organisers

Prof Mark D Plumbley
Professor of Signal Processing
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) 
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK
Email: m.plumbley@xxxxxxxxxxxx

 DCASE 2018 Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events
 19 - 20 November 2018, Surrey, UK