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[AUDITORY] PhD position „Diffusion-Based Deep Generative Models for Speech Signal Processing“

The Signal Processing research group at Universität Hamburg offers a DFG-funded PhD position on "Diffusion-Based Deep Generative Models for Speech Signal Processing." Diffusion models are cutting-edge techniques for enhancing noisy and reverberant speech with unprecedented quality. Join us in pushing the state-of-the-art in this exciting field.

Please see our webpage for details and on how to apply


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Gerkmann

Signal Processing (SP)

Universität Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, F-126

22527 Hamburg

Phone:   +49 40 42883-2438
E-mail:  timo.gerkmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web:     http://uhh.de/inf-sp
YouTube: youtube.com/@sp-uhh
Github:  github.com/sp-uhh

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