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[AUDITORY] PhD openings in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Univeristy of Udine - research topics concerning voice modeling and acoustic scene analysis

Dear list,

We would like to announce that the call for admission to the next PhD programme in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Udine is now open, and that this year it is possible to compete for a  thematic grant with a research program entitled

"Diagnosis of dysphonia and laryngeal pathologies using advanced numerical models of phonation and AI techniques".

In brief, the research program has as its objective the study of numerical models of the phonatory system, and in particular of the vocal cords, for the design of medical devices aimed at the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of laryngeal pathologies and vocal cord dysfunctions. The study aims to address the development of new integrated solutions by resorting to knowledge in the field of digital imaging diagnostics and acoustic analysis of the voice using numerical models of phonation organs. As part of the study of investigation methods, Artificial Intelligence will be integrated with vocal folds models and analysis algorithms in order to improve the adaptation of models to clinical observations and to produce diagnoses based on analysis results and
interpretation of the data that the models can in turn provide.
From a methodological point of view, the project will benefit from access to Big Medical Data databases and repositories and from the possibility of exploiting the computing resources of the Cloud High Performance Computing (HPC) Data Center for the development of complex numerical models public and private, mainly regional. The project will also analyze the possibilities of integrating such a diagnostic system within regional
healthcare and research structures.

The call for applications can be found at the following address (please refer to "Table 2" on p.18 of the document "PhD call for applications"): https://www.uniud.it/en/research/do-research/doctorate-res/associazione/active-notice/call-for-application-for-admission-to-the-phd-programmes-a-a-2024- 2025-40th-cycle

Moreover, applicants can also apply to the call with a research proposal concerning other topics of potential interest, including Acoustic scene analysis and Machine listening or Autonomous systems based on acoustic sensing. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.

Best regards,
Carlo Drioli

Carlo Drioli, PhD
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics
University of Udine
Via delle Scienze, 206
33100 Udine
phone: +39-0432-558448
email: carlo.drioli@xxxxxxxx