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[AUDITORY] ManCAD CAPers conference registration is now open


Hi All,


Welcome back from your Easter break.


Registration and abstract submission for the ManCAD Research Clinical Papers (Research CAPers) conference to honour Dave Moore’s retirement is now up and running here: https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/mancad/conference/


Research CAPers will take place in Manchester UK on 16th and 17th September 2024. The meeting will focus on finding clinical solutions to current audiological needs.


Registration costs £55.00 for non-students and £35.00 for students. It covers attendance, tea/coffee breaks, and dinner on Monday night. Lunch can be purchased from many local shops and restaurants.


We have confirmed invited presentations from:

·         Astrid van Wieringen, KU Leuven, Belgium

·         Cas Smits, Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Netherlands

·         Charlie Liberman, Harvard Medical School, USA

·         De Wet Swanepoel, University of Pretoria, South Africa

·         Kevin Munro, ManCAD, University of Manchester, UK

·         Lisa Hunter, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA)

·         Melanie Ferguson, Curtin University, Australia

·         Piers Dawes, University of Queensland, Australia

·         Dave Moore (of course!), ManCAD, University of Manchester, UK and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA


Hope to see you here in September,


For information, to register and to submit an abstract go to: https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/mancad/conference/


Gaby Saunders and Kevin Munro


Gabrielle H. Saunders PhD, Professor of Audiology



Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD) | www.research.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/ManCAD/

School of Health Sciences I Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health | B1.15 Ellen Wilkinson Building I University of Manchester I Manchester  I  M13 9PL

Tel: +44 161 275 3386  I  Fax: +44 161 275 3360 |


To participate in HEARING RESEARCH, please join our volunteer database at: http://research.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/audiologyvolunteers/  
