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[AUDITORY] E.A.R.S. Tomorrow

Dear fellow neuroscientists,

Please join us next TOMORROW, April 16th, 2024, at 1 pm EST for the next edition of E.A.R.S. (Electronic Auditory Research Seminars), a monthly auditory seminar series focused on central auditory processing and circuits.

This session will have two presenters:

Alfonso Apicella, University of Texas San Antonio: “Cholinergic Modulation of Auditory Circuits”

Anahita Mehta, University of Michigan: Investigating the neural correlates of harmonicity in humans


The seminar will be hosted on Zoom. You can access the seminars here: https://pennmedicine.zoom.us/j/96672201477. This link is also posted on our website https://www.med.upenn.edu/pennhearing/ears.html.

The E.A.R.S. subscriber list is the ears-seminar google group, which you can join by emailing: ears2022+subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visiting the following link: https://groups.google.com/g/ears202.

E.A.R.S. will continue in 2024 on 5/17/24 1 PM ET with another Trainee Session. We are now accepting submissions for E.A.R.S. Trainee Session on May 7. Research trainees in auditory neuroscience at graduate or post-doctoral stage are welcome to submit their abstract for consideration. The trainee session will feature 10-minute presentations, selected by the EARS organizing committee from the submissions. This is a great opportunity to present your work to a wide audience of auditory neuroscientists. Please submit your abstract by April 22nd to be given full consideration: https://forms.gle/CzyKm1vY2QgLKgqC9

Please spread the word and encourage your trainees to submit!

With kind wishes the EARS organizing committee,


Corey Roach

Maria Geffen

Matilda Gibbons
Anjali Sinha

Corey Roach

Postdoctoral Researcher

Laboratory of Yale Cohen

Perelman School of Medicine,

Dept. of  Otorhinolaryngology 

University of Pennsylvania