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[AUDITORY] GAUDIE: A new validated auditory stimulus database for emotion induction

Dear list,

we developed and validated GAUDIE (German AUDItory Emotional Database), a database of auditory stimulus material of naturalistic German speech for inducing emotions. The database is free and openly available for download. It comprises 37 naturalistic audio speech sequences with a total length of 92 minutes (1 to 4 min per audio sequence). We chose the sequences to induce positive emotions using comedian shows, neutral emotions using weather forecasts, and negative emotions using arguments between couples and relatives. In our validation study, participants provided multiple annotations per sequence including, among others, continuous ratings during the listening experience tracking the time courses and variability of valence and arousal. It’s a key feature of the database and allows a link between the behavioural time series and evoked (neuro-)physiological reactions. The validation results are published in:

Lingelbach K., Vukelić, M., Rieger, J. W. (2023). GAUDIE: Development, Validation and Exploration of a Naturalistic German AUDItory Induced Emotional Database. Behavior Research Methods, https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02135-z.

The stimuli, along with their annotations, are accessed online through the OSF project repository GAUDIE https://osf.io/xyr6j/.

We hope that the stimulus set is useful for the research community (beyond our own needs) and enables other researchers to directly start their projects without racking their brains over finding suitable validated stimulus material!

If you have further questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Katharina & Jochem

Jochem Rieger
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Applied Neurocognitive Psychology
DFG Center for Open and Reproducible Neuroscience Tools
NFDI sections ELSA and metadata 
DFG Cluster of Excellence Hearing4All

Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Phone: +49 (0)441 798 4533
Web: https://uol.de/en/applied-neurocognitive-psychology
github: https://github.com/ANCPLabOldenburg