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Re: [AUDITORY] threshold equalizing noise

Dear Sam,

You can find a Matlab implementation here: https://github.com/egaudrain/auditory-research-tools/blob/master/common_tools/TENnoise.m

But please make sure to check Moore, Huss, Vickers, Glasberg, Alcantara, (2000, "A test for the diagnosis of dead regions in the cochlea." Br. J. Audiol. 34, 205-224) to see what the code corresponds to.


Etienne Gaudrain, PhD

Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre / Auditory Cognition and Psychoacoustics (CAP)
CNRS UMR5292, Inserm U1028, Université Lyon 1
Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - Bâtiment 462 - Neurocampus
95 boulevard Pinel, 69675 Bron Cedex, France

On Sat, 4 Feb 2023 at 06:12, Sam Mathias <srm112@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear list,

Would anyone be willing to share or point me to some code for generating threshold equalizing noise? Ideally, the code would be able to generate noise for a specific threshold profile and be written in Python (but I'll take MatLab or any other language!)

Thanks in advance.