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[AUDITORY] Open PhD position - extended reality applications.

Dear group,


Attached are the details of an open vacancy for a PhD researcher in the field of auralisation and virtual reality. The position is in the scope of a fully funded, exploratory (and interdisciplinary) research project jointly conducted by the faculty of engineering and the humanities department of Ghent University, Belgium. The project is supervised by Prof. Pieter-Jan Maes, Dr. Bart Moens and myself.


The position is available immediately, and we are reviewing applications on a rolling basis. We would appreciate it if you could forward the vacancy to interested parties.


Met vriendelijke groet/ Best regards,



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nilesh Madhu
Ghent University - imec


AA Tower | Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 122
9052 Ghent

M: +32 488 04 25 14 
Web : https://www.ugent.be/ea/idlab/en/research/overview.htm



Attachment: vacancy_MusiXR.pdf
Description: vacancy_MusiXR.pdf