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[AUDITORY] Two postdoctoral research positions on the COG-MHEAR research programme, based at Edinburgh Napier University, UK

We have two vacancies for Postdoctoral Researchers on the COG-MHEAR research programme. This is ground-breaking research to create audio-visual hearing aids. More details are here:

COG-MHEAR (cogmhear.org)


And the job postings can be found here, in the School of Computing:



Best regards

Dorothy (She/her)


Research Fellow and Research Programme Manager (part time)

COG-MHEAR project: Future Hearing Technology


From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception <AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Kenna Peusner
Sent: 25 April 2022 23:51
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [AUDITORY] Postdoctoral research position open on vestibular development


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Dear Auditory List Serve Members:

       I am attaching a post for an open postdoctoral position in my lab to study the development of the vestibular system using our new animal model for congenital vestibular disorders. We are excited about learning how the central vestibular system circuitry forms synapses in the absence of the semicircular canals, the most common pathology found in syndrome congenital vestibular disorders that also characterizes our chick animal model. Electrophysiological and confocal imaging approaches will be coordinated to view the structure/ function of synapses in this disorder.

         Thanks for bringing this opportunity to the attention of your interested developmental biology students.

Best wishes,

Kenna D. Peusner, PhD
Professor of Neurology
George Washington University School of Medicine
2300 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037 USA

209 Ross Hall

Tel. 202-994-3489

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