The deadline is fast approaching to apply to participate in the doctoral consortium/Student Thinktank at the 27th International Conference on Auditory Display. We have a great panel of experts who are ready to engage with students regarding their thesis or other research projects! All students working on topics related to auditory display and sonification are welcome to apply. Full information is below. Let me know if you have any questions (thinktank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Student ThinkTank
The ICAD 2022 Student ThinkTank will be held on Friday, June 24, 2022—the day before the main virtual conference begins. The ThinkTank will be a virtual full day meeting for graduate and advanced undergraduate students working on projects in auditory display and sonification. Students who participate in the ThinkTank receive intensive feedback on their works-in-progress from a panel of auditory display experts and ICAD student peers. In addition to providing insights and constructive feedback on individual student projects, the ThinkTank is intended to foster friendships and additional opportunities for on-going formal and informal mentorship of students by the ICAD community. The ThinkTank will be free of charge for conference participants, and students selected to participate as ThinkTank Scholars will receive free registration to the general ICAD conference.
Tentatively Confirmed Expert Panel
Dr. Milena Droumeva, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Joseph Newbold, Northumbria University
Dr. S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M University
Dr. Stephen Roddy, Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Rebecca Stewart, Imperial College London
Important ThinkTank dates
April 30, 2022: Deadline to apply to participate in the ThinkTank
Mid-may, 2022: Notifications delivered
June 24, 2022: ThinkTank virtual meeting (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST)
Who Can Apply?
We invite graduate students or advanced undergraduate students to apply to present their work at the ThinkTank. Applicants who are selected to participate in the Thinktank will be required to prepare and present a virtual, semi-formal presentation of their work. Students who apply to present their work are expected to be available to participate in the entirety or majority of the day’s activities. In addition to the formal presentations of successful applicants it is also possible to attend the session as an observer. If you’d like to register to attend as an observer, please send an email to thinktank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
We welcome applications from all students interested in auditory display and sonification, even if they have never attended a previous ICAD conference.
What will happen on the day of the ThinkTank?
Student ThinkTank participants will prepare semi-formal presentations of their on-going work in auditory display and sonification. Following each presentation, the panel and the student audience will offer constructive feedback and intensive discussion of the project. The ThinkTank is an especially useful opportunity for students to receive help with identifying and addressing potential pitfalls to the advancement of their projects. In addition to the presentation, the ThinkTank will provide opportunities for breakout discussion sessions on topics of interest to ICAD students and other opportunities for informal networking.
How to Apply
Complete application instructions are available at the ThinkTank website:
How to Submit:
Please email your proposal by April 30th, 2022 to the ThinkTank chair, Michael Nees (thinktank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)