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[AUDITORY] Lübeck, Germany: Professorship (W3) for Intelligent Biosignal Processing

Dear Auditory list members,

at the University of Lübeck, Germany, neatly couched near the baltic sea and fairly close to both Hamburg as well as Berlin,
we are looking for a senior faculty member in AI / bio signal analysis:

(Deadline June 2 2022)

Under its current director Alfred Mertins,  this institute https://www.isip.uni-luebeck.de/home.html  has been a strong member of our growing auditory community here in Lübeck,
and it is affiliated with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, https://www.dfki.de/en/web/about-us/locations-contact/luebeck 

Hence, we would be particularly pleased if colleagues with a strong footing in audio/acoustics AI or machine listening are interested in applying.
Best wishes, Jonas 

Prof. Dr. Jonas Obleser
Chair in Physiological Psychology and Research Methods
University of Lübeck
Department of Psychology
MFC 8, Maria-Goeppert-Straße 9a
23562 Lübeck, Germany

Phone +49 (0)451 3101 3620
Meeting room: https://uni-luebeck.webex.com/meet/jonas.obleser