Dear List, My name is Nikki Tromp and I am part of the MOSAICS research
group in the Netherlands and Belgium. As part of my PhD research in the field of cochlear implants, we have just launched our survey study that looks at how audiologists
and speech/rehabilitation therapists working with adult CI users think about post-operative outcomes. I would be grateful if you could please complete the survey or, if you are not clinically involved with adult CI users, to share it with other CI colleagues
in your network.
We are aiming for a large international response from audiologists and therapists, so please feel free to share it beyond the walls of your local network too. We know survey response uptake in research is relatively low,
and so we are really grateful for your participation and any distribution.
To access the SurveyMonkey link, click here:
Looking forward to sharing the results of the surveys with you later in the year! Please reach out if you have any questions.
Kind regards, Nikki Tromp PhD Candidate, ENT Department Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen De informatie in dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Aan dit bericht en de bijlagen kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Heeft u deze e-mail onbedoeld ontvangen? Dan verzoeken
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