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[AUDITORY] CFP: TENOR2021 - 6th international conference on technologies for music notation and representation from Monday, May 10 to Thursday 13, 2021 in Hamburg, Germany

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TENOR 2021, 6th international conference on technologies for music notation and representation 
from Monday, May 10 to Thursday 13, 2021 in Hamburg, Germany

The International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation is dedicated to issues in theoretical and applied research and development in Music Notation and Representation, with a strong focus on computer tools and applications, as well as a tight connection to music creation. “Technology” in the conference name refers to any mean that may contribute to the notation, representation and/or visualisation of the music and sound, for purposes that may include (but not limited to) music composition, performance, representation, transcription, analysis and pedagogy.
The first edition of the conference – TENOR 2015 – has been held in Paris in May 2015. It was initiated as the final outcome of a working group entitled The new Spaces of Music Notation. The other editions were held in Cambrigde (2016), A Coruña (2017), Montreal (2018)  and Melbourne (2019).

For more information visit http://www.tenor-conference.org/

The Hamburg University of Music and Drama (HfMT) will host the 6th International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR) in Hamburg (Germany) from Monday, May 10 to Thursday, May 13, 2021. The conference will include a special emphasis on Notation and Representation in the Time of a Pandemic. 

The last two days of the conference will overlap with the Klingt gut! Symposium—an interdisciplinary event at the intersection of art and technology hosted by the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW). Attendees will be able to get passes at a reduced rate should they wish to participate in both conferences.

In light of the ongoing pandemic, we remain committed to both safety and quality, and as such, we cannot yet say if the conference will be held in person, online, or a mixture of both. We also recognize that while the situation may improve in Hamburg to the point of being able to safely host an in-person event, global travel may not yet be possible in May of 2021. We intend to adapt to the circumstances, and are already in the process of devising a number of different possible manifestations of the conferences, so you can rest assured that the conference will happen, and that its talks, concerts, and workshops will be presented under the best conditions we can provide.

Important Dates

• Submission Deadline: January 10, 2021
• Start of review process: January 21, 2021
• Notifications:  5th of March, 2021
• Camera ready submissions: April 12, 2021
• Early registration: February 1 – April 1, 2021
• Conference Program ready: May 6, 2021

Call for Papers

We are now soliciting submissions for oral presentations as well as workshops and round-table discussions, with a special emphasis on the theme of Notation and Performance in the Time of a Pandemic. In addition to that theme, we encourageencouraging submissions examining core areas of Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, in particular:
• Real-time composition, improvisation and comprovisation
• History and aesthetics of notation
• Notation of microtonal and/or electronic music
• Performer perspectives on technologies around notation
• Notation for and in virtual environments
• New interfaces for music notation
• Digital games as notation 
• Notation as an emergent property of the performance system
• Critical, aesthetic and sociological examinations of the interactions between new notation technologies and performance
• Notation/representation technologies for time-based arts beyond music including notations for space, gesture, movement
• Non-visual notation systems (aural, tactile, olfactory, etc.)
• Principles of mnemonic notation, exploring the relationship between memory and representation
• We also welcome submissions on the following topics:
• Notation and representation of sonified data 
• Computational musicology and mathematical music theory with a focus on music representation
• Computer environments for music notation
• Notation in interactive performance systems
• Notation and robotics
• Music information retrieval
• Notation and music representation in education
• Notation and neurocognition 
• Special theme: Notation and Performance in the Time of a Pandemic:
We are particularly interested in the ways in which research related to notation and performance responds to the extreme conditions that we currently find ourselves in. How might notational practices and platforms for collaborative music-making be mobilized during a period of forced isolation without emphasizing that which we lack: physical colocation? Are there questions that we, in this unique moment of our lives, are particularly well-situated to address? What will remain of the practices and works created during this period when, and if, we are able to return to “normal”?

Papers should be between 4 and 10 pages, written in English and not previously published. All submissions should be anonymous and will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers are expected to be delivered as oral presentations: 15 minute talk followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.

Papers must be submitted by January 10, 2021 via the TENOR conference system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tenor2021 and must comply with the given templates. The conference system will open on November 1, 2020. Upon acceptance, camera-ready versions should be re-submitted by April 12, 2021.

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be available on the conference website (https://tenor2021.hfmt-hamburg.de/) as an electronic publication. Please note that per paper at least one of the authors needs to register in order for the paper to be presented and included in the proceedings.

Sonic Works & Workshops

Since the coronavirus pandemic caused us to reschedule the 2020 edition of the TENOR conference, we have decided to reprogram those sonic works and workshops that had been previously selected, but never presented. In light of this, there will be no call for sonic works or workshops this year, although the conference itself will feature numerous performances and workshops, either online or in person.


Inquiries on submissions and presentations should be directed to the paper chair Rama Gottfried: paper-chair.tenor20.21@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Inquiries on musical submissions and concerts should be directed to the music chairs Greg Beller & Jacob Sello: music-chair.tenor2020@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
General inquiries should be directed to the conference chair Georg Hajdu: chair.tenor20.21@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and organisation.tenor20.21@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dr. Greg Beller    
Product Manager IRCAM Forum
Dr. sc. mus. KiSS – HfMT Hamburg

Dr. Greg Beller    
Product Manager IRCAM Forum
Dr. sc. mus. KiSS – HfMT Hamburg