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Re: [AUDITORY] Environmental sound database for memory studies

Hi Nadia, all

Someone mentioned Freesound as an option. We've been putting efforts in curating audio datasets from Freesound. The last dataset we released is FSDKaggle2019, containing 29,266 audio files annotated with 80 labels of the AudioSet Ontology. It has two sources of data:
You can download FSDKaggle2019 and inspect detailed information here: https://zenodo.org/record/3612637#.Xy64VxMzZTY

Also, if you are interested, next month we'll release another dataset of 100h+ hours of manually labeled audio encompassing 200 classes of every day sounds (a superset of the manually labeled portion of FSDKaggle2019).

Another option is the AudioSet dataset, with a massive amount of data and classes.

Eduardo Fonseca
Music Technology Group
Universitat Pompeu Fabra


On Thu, 6 Aug 2020 at 10:24, Kelly Jakubowski <kellyjakubowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just to add briefly to Valeriy's quite comprehensive list: We ran a study a little while back, including some participants from this list, to collect emotion ratings from a set of environmental sounds for a project where we needed particularly long sounds (20 seconds), as other work has typically used stimuli around 1-6 seconds. We sourced the sounds from https://www.soundeffectsplus.com/ and I've shared the data on OSF here: https://osf.io/dhk8z/.

Best wishes,
Dr. Kelly Jakubowski
Assistant Professor (Research)
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Department of Music 
Durham University

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 5:45 AM Nadia Paraskevoudi <nadiaparask@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear list,

I am looking for a database of environmental sounds to be used for an auditory memory experiment. Do you have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

Nadia Paraskevoudi, PhD student
Brainlab - Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Institute of Neuroscience
University of Barcelona
P. Vall d'Hebron 171, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
+34 933 125 043
