The Board of the International Community for Auditory Display is excited to announce the ABBA (Auditory Brown Bags At home) series of virtual events to help foster discussion and connections in our community.
Every second Thursday through the summer we will host virtual "brown bag" meetups consisting of short, informal talks followed by small group discussions. Sessions will be hosted on Zoom. We envision two different presenters giving short talks at the beginning of each session, with breakout sessions to discuss all things auditory following the talks. We will prepare a set of special zoom rooms to enable/facilitate informal chats between community members following the ABBA event.
Tentative dates are June 11, July 9, and August 13.
There will be two sessions each day to try to accommodate those in all time zones and/or those who are available at different times of day:
Session A at 10 AM Eastern Time (US)
Session B at 10 PM Eastern Time (US)
Different sessions each day will have different speakers, so all are welcome to drop in to either or both sessions.
Interested in Presenting?
We want to hear about your work! We invite you to offer an informal/semi-formal presentation of around 10-15 minutes. All topics of interest to the ICAD community are welcome, including but not limited to: finished research, works-in-progress, student/thesis work, tutorials, requests for feedback on new or on-going projects, practice talks, and updates on current events in your lab. The format of the talk is flexible, so long as it is amenable to virtual presentation via Zoom.
Sign up to give a presentation here: will be prompted to provide a title and brief summary/abstract of your talk.
In general, sign-ups to give talks will be allocated first-come-first-serve. You’ll be asked to indicate the days and times that work for you, and the session chairs will work with presenters to try to fit everyone in to the schedule and/or to group similar talks when possible. There won’t be a formal review of sign-ups for presenters, but the session chairs will perform a light check to ensure the proposed topic fits the broad interests of the ICAD community.
Here’s How to Attend
Even if you don’t wish to present your work, we hope to see you virtually at these talks! Event details will be posted on the ICAD website and announced on our social media sites. We’ll be announcing speakers and topics as they become available.
To attend, you will need to register for each event via the links at: the meeting, registered attendees will receive a Zoom link via email. The registration is just to help us plan for the discussion and also to prevent Zoom bombing by unauthorized non-ICADers.
What’s Next?
We’re immediately seeking presenters for the June 11 meetings. We’d like to have two talks at 10:00 am EST and two more talks at 10:00 pm EST. Send your proposed topics to us right away at the link above! Remember your talk can be informal and can report unfinished work (although finished work is fine, too)! So get in touch—we want to hear what you are working on!
If you’re not ready to give a presentation for June 11, you can still go ahead and register to attend the June 11 meetings.
If you have any questions about the June 11 session, you can contact Michael Nees (chair of the June 11, 10:00 am EST session), Bruce Walker (chair of the June 11, 10:00 pm EST session), Thomas Hermann (chair of the July 9, 10am EST session) or any member of the ICAD board (
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the ABBA sessions!
Michael A. Nees, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Lafayette College