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[AUDITORY] Two (2) graduate student positions available Fall 2018

Description of Position:
Dr. Blake Butler of the Cerebral Systems Lab (http://cerebralsystems.ca/) at the University of Western Ontario is seeking two (2) graduate students to join an exciting program of research in brain plasticity following hearing loss.  Our program of research is primarily concerned with the structural and functional changes in sensory cortices of the deaf. Projects could include classical neuroanatomical studies of brain connectivity and/or structural and functional MRI experiments conducted in association with the Brain and Mind Institute. Interested students may also be able to participate in extracellular in vivo electrophysiological studies of brain function.  Graduate students may be admitted through the Psychology (http://psychology.uwo.ca/graduate/index.html)  or Neuroscience (https://www.schulich.uwo.ca/neuroscience/graduate/index.html) programs.

-	Excellent academic standing
-	Excellent written and oral communication skills
-	Related lab experience preferred (but not mandatory)

UWO graduate application deadlines are quickly approaching (January 4 – Psychology, January 19 – Neuroscience).  Applications may be considered after these dates in special circumstances.

Contact Information:
Interested candidates should email a description of their research interests, an updated copy of their CV, the names and contact information of two individuals who have agreed to serve as references, and a copy of recent transcripts ASAP to Dr. Blake Butler (bbutler9@xxxxxx).