Dear Maria,
You might want to look at the Genelec 8040, even though it has 2 drivers and you mention that you are after 1. We bought a pair on the recommendation of a buddy who works at one of the hearing aid manufacturers in this town, and we're very happy with
David Jackson Morris, PhD
Postdoc and Lecturer
Københavns Universitet/University of Copenhagen
INSS/Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
Audiologopædi/Speech Pathology & Audiology
Emil Holms Kanal 2
2300 København S/Copenhagen S
Office 22.5.14
TLF +45 35328660
From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception [AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Chait, Maria [m.chait@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 11:26 PM To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: loudspeaker recommendations Dear Colleagues, So far we have been conducting our behavioural experiments using high quality headphones, but for various reasons will need to shift to using free field sound presentation for some of our work. I was hoping you might be able to recommend a high quality loud speaker to use for this purpose; Ideally, one that we can purchase easily from the UK.
Our requirements: Experiments are conducted in a small-ish sound-proof booth, and we plan to position a single loudspeaker about 50-70 cm in front of the listener (space constraints prevents this from being any further away). Stimuli are spectrally rich ‘soundscapes’. My understanding is that we should prefer single cone speakers?
Many thanks, Maria
Maria Chait PhD Reader in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Lab site: UCL Ear Institute 332 Gray's Inn Road London WC1X 8EE