We are currently seeking applications for an EPSRC-funded PhD studentship in multi-modal perception in hearing aid-users. The emphasis is on head movements and auditory motion perception (with potential to extend to the interaction with
vision and/or eye movements). http://psych.cf.ac.uk/degreeprogrammes/postgraduate/research/docs/EPSRC%20-%20Freeman.pdf The successful candidate will work in a newly-developed Active Hearing laboratory consisting of multichannel speaker array and motion tracking. The lab has close ties to perceptual scientists at Cardiff University, covering all the main
senses and methodologies (psychophysics, motion-tracking/eye movement, VR, imaging, clinical). They will join a thriving Perception and Action group within the School of Psychology, a department ranked 2nd in the UK in the 2014 Research Excellence
Framework (REF). The supervisors are Tom Freeman (visual and auditory psychophysics, oculomotor control) and John Culling (psychoacoustics, clinical hearing). All enquires to Tom Freeman at
freemant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or John Culling at
CullingJ@xxxxxxxx Closing Date – 1st Feb 2017. The studentship is part of an open-competition.