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PhD stipends at The Centre for Acoustic Signal Processing Research, Aalborg University, Denmark

Dear colleagues,


[Apologies for cross-posting.] 


We are looking for highly motivated, independent, and outstanding students that desire to do a successful 3-year PhD programme at Aalborg University. The ideal candidates must have strong expertise in one or more of the following disciplines: statistical signal processing, auditory perception, machine learning, information theory, or estimation theory. Good English verbal and written skills are a must. Excellent undergraduate and master degree grades are desired.


PhD positions in Denmark are fully funded, i.e. no tuition fees, and come with a salary. The salary is subject to a pay grade system based on prior working experience since completing your undergraduate degree. The yearly gross salary is in the range 41.500 – 50.100 Euros.


You may obtain further information about the PhD stipends from Associate Professor Jan Østergaard (jo@xxxxxxxxx), Associate Professor Zheng-Hua Tan (zt@xxxxxxxxx), or Professor Jesper Jensen (jje@xxxxxxxxx), CASPR, Aalborg University, concerning the scientific aspects of the stipends.


Webpage for the positions: http://caspr.es.aau.dk/open-positions/. 






Zheng-Hua Tan

Associate Professor, PhD, SMIEEE


Signal and Information Processing

Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University

Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, 9220, Aalborg, Denmark

E-mail: zt@xxxxxxxxx

URL:    http://kom.aau.dk/~zt