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Re: Acoustic stealth awareness - hunting for papers


The U.S. government sponsored research in the late 80's and early 90's under the "National Parks Overflight Act of 1987" (see attached doc). As part of the research, the incredible quiet of parks was documented, which might give you some data on the background levels of the situations you are studying. There isn't much available documentation of the original project. but the topic continues of interest. See for example this issue of Park Science is available (http://www.nature.nps.gov/ParkScience/index.cfm?ArticleTypeID=17).

One topic that was studied was the noise levels of hikers generating sound themselves. BBN in San Diego did some of that work, but the last time I talked to the scientists there, they were not able to provide any references to the work.

I was on the technical review committee and have some of the reports, and could share them.

Jim Ballas

On 6/6/16 9:44 AM, Blyth M. wrote:

Hello list members,

My PhD research is investigating auditory fitness for duty in military personnel. Specifically, I am investigating the impact of hearing impairment on acoustic stealth awareness. This refers to situations where it is important to be quiet to remain undetected by a nearby enemy, and how having a hearing loss might affect this ability. As far as I am aware there is limited literature on this type of auditory situation, and wonder if anyone may be able to point me towards relevant papers?

I believe a core task involved is the ability to predict the intensity of a sound at a target’s location when you are generating the sound yourself (e.g. talking, walking on gravel, etc.), therefore allowing you to predict how loud you can be without the target hearing. My literature searches so far have returned very little, but I wonder if I’m using the wrong terminology, or missing some old school papers?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks


Matt Blyth

PhD Candidate

Hearing and Balance Centre

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

University of Southampton

Southampton, SO171BJ

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