Dear all,
for my research on second language learning in implanted adolescents, I want to use the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) in Dutch and English. I have the Dutch version. I need the word lists of the different English
versions (UK or US PPVT-III-a/b or PPVT-IV-a/b) to identify the one with the least overlap with the Dutch, so I can purchase it. The publisher was not too helpful. So:
1) Does anyone have experience with the PPVT in adolescent CI populations? Any opinions?
2) Does anyone have a copy of the different word lists (UK or US PPVT-III-a/b or PPVT-IV-a/b) that they could share with me, so that I can compare them myself to the Dutch version?
Thanks for your help,
Enja (D.E.) Jung
PhD student
University Medical Center Groningen
ENT department
HPC: BB 20, P.O. box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 50 36 12 669
also at:
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Department of Experimental Psychology
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