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Sound Source Separation Website Coming Soon!

My name is Christopher Kissel.  I am an Independent Audio Engineer and Moderator of the "Unconventional Stereo & Pseudostereo" Forum on the Both Sides Now Stereo Chat Board (free registration required to view and/or post to the chat board).  The chat board was started over a decade ago by Mike Callahan, author of Oldies on CD, as a place for lovers of "stereo oldies" to exchange information.   I will be going live with a new website, monotostereo.info , within the next few weeks which will be dedicated to providing a collection of resources for those interested in upmixing older mono music recordings to stereo through the use of audio spectral editing, sound source separation, and related processes and techniques.  I will post again on this mailing list as soon as the website is published.  I have already started a Facebook page, monotostereo.info, to post updates about the website and to post related content.  Until the website goes live, please feel free visit the Facebook page and click on "like" to "follow" the posts if you have an interest in this area.  Thanks!
Best regards,

Christopher Kissel


