...just two small remarks:
1.) The M-32 DA is like its name already suggests a DA-converter - not a soundcard - you will still need a soundcard providing digital audio signals (4x ADAT or MADI) e.g. the RME HSDPe MADI or one of the Madifaces 2.) Keep in mind that the M-32s have a cooling fan, possibly requiring an installation of this device in a separate control room - a solution to this might be using three fanless ADI-8 QS driven by a HDSPe MADI best stephan Am 20.03.2014 07:42, schrieb Rick:
-- ----- Stephan Töpken AG Akustik Institut für Physik Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11 D-26129 Oldenburg E-Mail: stephan.toepken@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Telefon: +49 (0)441-798 5628 Raum: W2 0 - 062 |