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PhD Position at the Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Dear List,

One PhD position (75%, 3 years) is available at the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. ARI is an interdisciplinary research institution covering the fields psychoacoustics, numerical acoustics, acoustical phonetics, and mathematical signal processing.

The position is available as part of the project "ITD MultEl" funded by Med-El, Inc. ITD MultEl focuses on the perception of interaural time differences (ITDs) in bilateral cochlear-implant listeners, with particular emphasis on multiple-electrode stimulation. At ARI, the PhD candidate will be part of the Psychoacoustics and Experimental Audiology group and mainly be supervised by Piotr Majdak and Bernhard Laback. The candidate will design, implement, and conduct psychophysical experiments with cochlear-implant and normal-hearing listeners, develop stimulation strategies for improving ITD sensitivity, and publish the results.

We are looking for applicants:

  • with a master degree in audio engineering, psychology, or other fields related to hearing

  • having experience in conducting psychophysical experiments

  • with programming skills, especially in Matlab and .NET

  • with experience in scientific writing

  • being able to integrate into a multidisciplinary research team, closely cooperating with people working in the fields of psychophysics and signal processing

The salary will be EUR 27.066,20 per year (w/o taxes), following the guidelines of the Austrian Science Fund (75% = 30 hours/week). The candidate is encouraged to participate in the PhD program of the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics, KUG, Graz. The position is aimed to start at the beginning of January 2013 and the place of work is in Vienna.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, copy of their university diplomas, and their CV until 31th of October 2012 to:

Piotr Majdak
Acoustics Research Institute
Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1st floor

1040 Vienna, Austria

or per e-mail to: piotr@xxxxxxxxxx.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal-opportunity employer, female applicants are to be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification. Disabled persons with equal qualification will be given preference.

Piotr Majdak
Psychoacoustics and Experimental Audiology
Acoustics Research Institute
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 51581-2511
Fax: +43 1 51581-2530