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3 Junior Professorships in Hearing Research
The "Medizinische Hochschule Hannover" (MHH) offers the following positions within the DFG funded Cluster of Excellence "Hearing for all: Models, technology and solutions for diagnostics, restoration and support of hearing":
Junior Professorship (W1) for Audiological Diagnostics
This professorship at the Departments of Neurology (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dengler) and Otolaryngology (Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenarz) of Hannover Medical School focuses on the individual functional characterization of the auditory system before and after the application of hearing implants and on the development of novel diagnostic procedures regarding central and peripheral hearing. Applicants should have experience in cognitive neurophysiology, especially electrophysiology (multichannel-EEG, EP, source localization and functional imaging, preferably NIRS) and in audiology. The position is open for audiologist, psychologists, biologists, physicians and physicists.
Junior Professorship (W1) for Pathophysiology of the Auditory System
The professorship at the Institute of Audio-Neuro-Technology VIANNA (Prof. Dr. Andrej Kral) at the Department of Otolaryngology focuses on the neurophysiology of the auditory system, especially on the pathophysiology of hearing-impairment and the effects of functional restoration of auditory function with auditory prostheses (cochlear implants, auditory brainstem implants, central auditory prostheses). The professorship bridges experimental electrophysiology, behavioural experiments and psychophysical performance in patients with different types of hearing implants. Applicants must have experience in systems neurophysiology, especially electrophysiology, behavioural biology in animals and auditory psychophysics. The position is open for biologist, physicists, physicians, psychologists and natural scientists.
Junior Professorship (W1) for Prothetical Audiology
The professorship at the German Hearing Centre (PD Dr. Andreas Büchner) at the Department of Otolaryngology shall bridge the fields of computational modelling, neurophysiology, audiology and acoustic signal processing. The major goals are the development of individualized signal processing and fitting strategies for hearing devices and models based on individual patient data to predict performance with different hearing devices. The applicants should have mathematical and informatical competence, experience in audio processing, EEG recording and data analysis. The position is open for information scientists, mathematicians, physicists and engineers.
All applicants must have high-level scientific qualifications demonstrated by an outstanding PhD thesis and high-ranked international publications are obligatory.
All three Junior Professors are expected to participate in the PhD-Program of the Joint Research Academy of the Cluster "Hearing4all" and the PhD-Program "Hearing" at the Centre for Systems Neuroscience.
The Junior Professorships are embedded in the existing research structure of the Cluster (Institute of Audioneurotechology, the German Hearing Centre and further cooperation partners for implant development at the Leibniz Universität Hannover).
The positions include an initial appointment for three years and can be extended for further two years after positive evaluation. Thereafter, the applicants have the option of a tenure track depending on a successful evaluation.
The MHH is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from women. Disabled applicants will be given preference if equally qualified.
All applicants must fulfill the employment requirements of the Higher Education Act of Lower Saxony (§ 30).
Printed and electronic applications including CV, list of publications, list of external grant support, teaching experience and reprints of five key publications should be sent within four weeks after publication to the following address:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenarz, Department of Otolaryngology, Hannover Medical School,
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany, Email: lenarz.thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx