Udaynag Pisipati wrote:
I am looking for a way to contorl volume using Matlab on XP machine..I designed a small toolbox that can do Data acquisition, but I would need a volume control using Matlab so that Windows Control panel neednot be used everytime I want to change a volume ( which is used for calibration)..
In earlier days we used snd_pc toolbox by Torsten Marquardt(http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/download.do?objectId=112&fn=snd_pc&fe=.zip&cid=803729)
for this purpose (I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe to remember that it was still working with Win XP). In our labs we use QuickMix (http://www.ptpart.co.uk/quickmix/) to easily load well defined mixer settings. Simple and straightforward to use, even for multiple sound devices. Unfortunately not supported by Vista :( Best, Andreas