I made a tiny software to set all the volume sliders to maximum a
couple of years ago. You can find it here:
It was used with Windows XP, but maybe it works with Vista? Let me know.
Udaynag Pisipati wrote:
I am looking for a way to contorl volume using Matlab on XP
machine..I designed a small toolbox that can do Data acquisition, but
I would need a volume control using Matlab so that Windows Control
panel neednot be used everytime I want to change a volume ( which is
used for calibration)..
Any pointers are appreciated...Thanks
On 8/11/08, *Stuart Rosen* <stuart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:stuart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Has anyone tried to control sound volumes in Vista through Matlab?
There are extra complications over XP in that each application
window seems to have its own volume setting (which is a good
thing) but that seems to be limited to an overarching volume
control that applies to all windows.