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auditory hemi-neglect
Hello Everyone:
This is a followup to Peter Lennox's post of this morning, which
prompted the question of whether there is significant evidence for
auditory hemi-neglect. There are some older case studies which
describe what might be an auditory analog of visual hemi-neglect.
See, for example, KM Heilman & E Valenstein (1972, Auditory neglect
in man. Arch Neurol., 26: 32-35). Apparently, work on the topic is
ongoing. See L Spierer et al. (2007, Extinction of auditory stimuli
in hemineglect: Space versus ear. Neuropsychologia, 45: 540-551). I
hope that this helps. Kind wishes,
Dennis P. Phillips, Ph.D.
Killam Professor in Psychology
Department of Psychology
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4J1
E-mail: Dennis.Phillips@xxxxxx