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Re: [Fwd: Re: cross-modality-size-loud]

In addition, there are a couple of studies investigating perception of the acoustic effect of the physical size of musical instruments, animals, and humans. It also seems that there are specific regions in the human brain which are responding to the acoustic and/or crossmodal aspects of size in sounds.

Smith, D. R. R., Patterson, R. D., Turner, R., Kawahara, H., & Irino, T. (2005). The processing and perception of size information in speech sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117, 305-318.

van Dinther, R. & Patterson, R. D. (2006). The perception of size in musical instruments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 2158-2176.

von Kriegstein K, Smith DR, Patterson RD, Ives DT, Griffiths TD: Neural representation of auditory size in the human voice and in sounds from other resonant sources. Curr.Biol. 2007; 17:1123-1128

Best regards,

Quoting "Hermes, D.J." <D.J.Hermes@xxxxxx>:

First, there should be no confusion between pitch and timbre.  If an
object has more than one modal frequencies, a percept of pitch only
brought about when the frequencies of the components are harmonic.  In
principle, it is possible that modal frequecies can go up on average,
but that in the new configuration a lower fundamental frequency arises.
Second, an example of counterintuitive rising of modal frequencies with
size is increasing the thickness of a plate.  Due to the higher
stiffness of thicker plates their resonance frequencies are higher.
Some informal demonstrations I gave during lecturing shows that the
human listener is indeed fooled by this and, based on their sounds when
hit, judges the thicker plates as "smaller" than the thinner plates.
Detailed studies about size and speed perception of rolling balls can be
found in the theses by Marc Houben en Christophe Stoelinga, and the
papers they published and will publish.  Loudness only plays a minor
role in this.

-----Original Message-----
From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception
[mailto:AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter Lennox
Sent: maandag 17 september 2007 12:35
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [AUDITORY] [Fwd: Re: cross-modality-size-loud]

Is there likely to be some pitch-with-resonance component? -
ie, larger objects have longer 'intrinsic reverberation'
(body resonance) than smaller, other things being equal
(material, etc) - and this actually tends to be lower, for
larger objects regards ppl

Dr. Peter Lennox
Signal Processing Applications Research Group University of
Derby http://sparg.derby.ac.uk Int. tel: 3155

>>> Bob Carlyon <bob.carlyon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 17/09/2007 11:10 >>>

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: cross-modality-size-loudDate: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:56:55 +0100From: Jan Schnupp <jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Reply-To: Jan Schnupp <jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: <001101c7f8bd$b7f802a0$3364f94d@Woonkamer>

Dear Peter,

if you hit a large bell and a small bell, how loud they are
does not depend on size, but on how hard you hit them. The
larger the object the deeper the sound, because resonant
frequency is proportional to mass. So if there is a link with
size, then it should be pitch more than loudness.


On 17/09/2007, pieter jan stallen <pj.stallen@xxxxxxxxx>
wrote: Dear List,Does anyone know of  experimental
psychological data reported which refutes (or not) the
hypothesis: the perception of object O as "has much of quality X"
predisposes to the perception also of "has much of quality
Y"? E.g., is there empirical evidence for cross-modal bonds
like "large objects (much of size) are loud objects (much of
sound)" ? Although I see brain research approaching the
subject (e.g.  http://www.dhushara.com/pdf/synesthesia.pdf )
I have not (yet) found so much empirical psychology about
such metaphors. I may not have studied carefully enough the
synaestesia literature, but appreciate any more specific
'forwardings' then.Pieter Jan Stallen / Chair Community Noise
Annoyance / University of Leiden / Netherlands

-- Dr Jan Schnupp University of Oxford Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics Sherrington Building - Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PT - UK +44-1865-272513 www.oxfordhearing.com -- Dr. Bob CarlyonMRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit15 Chaucer Rd.Cambridge CB2 7EFEnglandPhone: +44 1223 355294 ext 651Fax: +44 1223 359062www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email ______________________________________________________________________